Moody's присвоило рейтинг Baa3 планируемым "вечным" бондам ТуранАлема
06.01.06 16:27
/REUTERS, 05.01.06/ - Рейтинговое агентство Moody's присвоило
долгосрочный рейтинг Ваа3 планируемому выпуску бессрочных облигаций
казахстанского банка ТуранАлем, сообщило агентство.
"Сумма выпуска еще не определена, но, скорее всего, составит $100 - 150
миллионов", - говорится в сообщении.
Агентство финансового надзора Казахстана в конце прошлого года разрешило
банкам увеличивать капитал за счет выпуска бессрочных инструментов.
ТуранАлем, второй крупнейший банк Казахстана выпустит бумаги через
специально созданную компанию BTA Finance Luxembourg S.A. Облигации
могут быть погашены через 10 лет после размещения.
Ниже приводится оригинальный текст сообщения агентства Moody's на
английском языке.
Limassol, January 05, 2006 -- Moody's Investors Service has assigned a long-
term rating of Baa3 to Tier I Perpetual Preferred Securities ("the Securities")
to be issued by BTA Finance Luxembourg S.A. ("the Issuer"), a special purpose
vehicle controlled by Bank TuranAlem, Kazakhstan ("BTA") and consolidated
within its group structure. The Securities have the benefit of a support
agreement from BTA, which allows them to qualify as a junior subordinated debt
as per Moody's classification. The amount of the issue has yet to be
determined, but is likely to be US$100-150 million. The rating is subject to
Moody's review of the final documentation on the issue. The outlook for the
rating is stable.
The Securities will have no fixed final redemption date, but will be callable
by the Issuer commencing from the tenth anniversary from the closing date of
the issue (subject to regulatory approval); they will also become redeemable at
the Issuer's option in the period from the fifth to the tenth anniversary of
the closing date in case of changes in taxation or disqualification by the
Kazakhstani regulator as a part of BTA's Tier 1 capital.
Moody's notes that the rating is based on (i) BTA's fundamental credit quality,
(ii) the extent of the instrument's subordination against various classes of
debt and equity, as well as (iii) the predictability of ongoing payments. The
level of the rating reflects the vital role the bank plays in the Kazakhstani
economy. Moody's considers that the likelihood of BTA receiving support from
the government in case of distress is very high and is the primary driver of
the rating.
The rating also takes into account the relative ranking of the Securities,
which will stand senior to common equity and preferred stock holders, on a par
with unsecured, perpetual, non-cumulative, subordinated obligations, but behind
most of the senior unsecured and non-perpetual subordinated obligations, in
case of liquidation.
Moody's also notes that the rating factors in BTA's mandatory obligation to
suspend non-cumulative interest payments (in full or in part) on the
Securities, if it were in breach of the Kazakhstani prudential capital adequacy
requirements or if the payment results in such breach. However, in all other
cases (unless legally prohibited by the Kazakhstani laws and regulations) BTA
must make distributions on the Securities, or face the risk of a legal action
which could be taken by the investors against the bank within the framework of
the support agreement between the BTA and the Issuer.
Headquartered in Almaty, Kazakhstan, BTA reported (unaudited) total
consolidated assets of KZT750 billion (US$ 5.5 billion) under IFRS as at 30
June 2005.
Adel Satel
Managing Director
Financial Institutions Group
Moody's Investors Service Ltd.
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SUBSCRIBERS: 44 20 7772 5454
Andrey Naumenko
Vice President - Senior Analyst
Financial Institutions Group
Moody's Investors Service Cyprus Limited
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