Fitch присвоило рейтинги банку Тураналем (Казахстан)

10.06.05 11:08
/REUTERS, Нью-Йорк, 10.06.05/ - Международное рейтинговое агентство Fitch Ratings присвоило в пятницу следующие рейтинги казахстанскому банку Тураналем: - долгосрочный по обязательствам в иностранной валюте на уровне "ВВ"; - краткосрочный на уровне "В"; - поддержки на уровне "3"; - индивидуальный на уровне "C/D". Прогноз изменения долгосрочного рейтинга - стабильный, говорится в сообщении агентства. Одновременно Fitch присвоило долгосрочный рейтинг "ВВ" следующим международным облигациям, выпущенным компанией Turan Alem Finance B.V под гарантии Тураналема: - нотам на $100 миллионов с погашением 29 мая 2007 года; - нотам на $600 миллионов с погашением 2 июня 2010 года; - нотам на $400 миллионов с погашением 24 марта 2014 года; - нотам на $350 миллионов с погашением 10 февраля 2015 года. Ниже приводится оригинальный текст сообщения агентства Fitch Ratings на английском языке. FITCH RATES KAZAKHSTAN'S BANK TURAN ALEM 'BB' 10 Jun 2005 10:15 AM (EDT) Fitch Ratings-London/Moscow-10 June 2005: Fitch Ratings, the international rating agency, has today assigned Kazakhstan's Bank Turan Alem ("BTA") ratings of Long-term foreign currency 'BB', Short-term 'B', Support '3', and Individual 'C/D'. The Outlook on the Long-term rating is Stable. At the same time, Fitch has assigned Long-term foreign currency 'BB' ratings to Turan Alem Finance B.V's notes (listed below), guaranteed by BTA. - USD100 million due 29 May 2007 - USD600m due 2 June 2010 - USD400m due 24 March 2014 - USD350m due 10 February 2015 BTA's Long-term, Short-term and Support ratings reflect what Fitch views as moderate probability of support from the Kazakh authorities, should it be required. This view is based on the perceived relatively strong propensity of the Kazakh authorities to support BTA, as well as the ability to provide support, as reflected in Kazakhstan's Long-term foreign currency 'BBB-' (BBB minus) rating with Stable Outlook. The Individual rating reflects the risks inherent in the bank's rapid loan growth and ongoing expansion into other CIS countries, significant loan concentrations, moderate capitalisation and certain weaknesses in the bank's operating environment. However, it also considers the bank's substantial franchise, reasonable performance and liquidity, relatively diversified funding base and fairly low market risk appetite. Upward pressure on the Long-term rating would result from an upgrade of the Long-term foreign currency rating of Kazakhstan. Downward pressure on the Individual rating could result from a reduction in capital ratios or a deterioration in asset quality, with the latter being in respect to either domestic lending or exposures in other CIS countries. BTA was founded in 1997 as a result of the merger of the successors to the Kazakh divisions of the Soviet Industry & Construction Bank and Foreign Trade Bank. The bank was privatised in 1998, and is now one of the two largest banks in Kazakhstan, with top three positions in all major market segments. The bank's common stock is owned primarily by a number of Kazakh investors, but Raiffeisen Zentralbank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation and Nederlandse Financierings - Maatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden own convertible preferred shares. BTA's long-standing Chairman, who was also a significant shareholder of the bank, died in December 2004, but his successor has committed himself to the strategy pursued by his predecessor. NOTE TO EDITORS: Fitch Ratings' Support and Individual Ratings for Banks: Fitch's Individual ratings assess how a bank would be viewed if it were entirely independent and could not rely on external support. Its Support ratings deal with the question of whether a bank would receive support from its owners or from the state if it were to get into difficulty. These ratings are not debt ratings but rather, respectively, an assessment of the intrinsic strength of a bank and of any level of outside support that may, or may not, be available to it. Fitch's rating definitions are available on the agency's public site, Published ratings, criteria and methodologies and relevant policies and procedures are also available from this site, at all times. This document will remain on the public site for seven days. [2005-06-10]