Moody's повысило прогноз рейтингов 4 банков Казахстана
20.08.04 11:35
/REUTERS, Нью-Йорк, 19.08.04/ - Международное рейтинговое агентство
Moody's Investors Service повысило до "позитивного" со "стабильного"
прогноз рейтингов по долгосрочным депозитам в валюте четырех банков
Казахстана - Казкоммерцбанка, банка ТуранАлем, Халык-банка и банка
Рейтинг остался на уровне Ва1.
Повышение последовало за аналогичным пересмотром прогноза
суверенного рейтинга Казахстана.
Ниже приводиться оригинальный текст сообщения Moody's Investors Service
на английском языке.
Limassol, August 19, 2004 -- Moody's Investors Service has changed to positive
from stable outlooks for the Ba1 long-term foreign currency deposit ratings
assigned to the following Kazakhstani banks: Bank CenterCredit, Bank
TuranAlem (BTA), Halyk Bank and Kazkommertsbank (KKB). The outlook on the
Baa3 rating of subordinated loan participation notes issued by, but without
recourse to, Citigroup Global Markets Deutschland AG & Co. KGaA for the sole
purpose of financing a loan to KKB has also been changed to positive from
This rating action reflects Moody's belief that the large and important banks
in Kazakhstan are likely to receive support from local authorities in case of
distress; it follows the recent change in outlook on the Ba1 long-term foreign
currency deposit and Baa3 long-term foreign currency debt ceilings to positive
from stable by Moody's sovereign team.
Moody's has also upgraded to Baa2 from Baa3 ratings of foreign currency senior
unsecured notes issued by TuranAlem Finance B.V., unconditionally and
irrevocably guaranteed by OJSC Bank TuranAlem of Kazakhstan.
According to Moody's, the rating of BTA's senior unsecured debt has pierced
Kazakhstan's sovereign ceiling for bonds of Baa3. The level of the rating
reflects the important role the bank plays in the country's economy. Moody's
notes that the likelihood of BTA receiving support from the government in case
of distress is very high and is the primary driver of the ratings. Moody's
ratings also take into account the fact that BTA is the second-largest bank in
Kazakhstan, and over a relatively short period has been able to develop an
important franchise in the domestic corporate and retail markets.
All four banks are headquartered in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Bank CenterCredit reported total IAS-consolidated assets of KZT81.9 billion
(US$568 million) as of 31 December 2003.
Bank TuranAlem reported total IAS-consolidated assets of KZT452.2 billion
(US$3.31 billion) as of 30 June 2004.
Halyk Bank reported total IAS-consolidated assets of KZT249.5 billion (US$1.73
billion) as of 31 December 2003.
Kazkommertsbank reported total IAS-consolidated assets of KZT522.5 billion
(US$3.83 billion) as of 30 June 2004.