Moody's присвоило рейтинговые оценки облигациям АО "Казинвестбанк" (Казахстан), прогноз "Стабильный"
10.08.10 16:44
/Moody's Investors Service, Лондон, 09.08.10, перевод и заголовок KASE
- Сегодня рейтинговое агентство Moody's Investors Service присвоило
следующие долгосрочные кредитные рейтинги в национальной валюте
облигациям АО "Казинвестбанк" в рамках облигационной программы на
сумму 11,5 миллиардов тенге (примерно 78 миллионов долларов): B2 - для
выпуска старших необеспеченных облигаций и B3 - для выпуска
субординированных облигаций.
Ниже приводится оригинальный текст сообщения Moody's на английском
Moody's assigns B3 to subordinated bonds of Kazinvestbank
(Kazakhstan); stable outlook
London, 09 August 2010 - Moody's Investors Service has today assigned
the following long-term local currency debt ratings to Kazinvestbank's
KZT11.5 billion (approximately USD78 million) multiple seniority bonds
programme: B2 for senior unsecured bonds issues and B3 for subordinated
bonds issues.
At the same time Moody's assigned a B3 long-term local currency
subordinateddebt rating to the upcoming first drawdown of KZT4 billion
(approximately USD27million) under this programme. The bonds represent
a subordinated unsecured claim on the bank. The outlook on the
programme and the upcoming subordinated debt ratings is stable, in
line with the stable outlook on the bank's long-term bank deposit
The subordinated bonds have a tenor of five years, and the interest
rate is fixed at 10% per annum. No covenants or put option clauses
are provided in the bonds' documentation. Both the programme and the
first drawdown have been registered with Kazakhstan's FSA (financial
services regulator).
The B3 rating reflects subordination of the bonds to Kazinvestbank's
senior obligations, including deposits, which are rated B2 with a
stable outlook.
Moody's previous rating action on Kazinvestbank was implemented on
21 July 2010 when the rating agency assigned the following global-
scale ratings: a B2 long-term and Not-Prime short-term local and
foreign-currency deposit ratings, and an E+ bank financial strength
rating (BFSR). A stable outlook was assigned on all of the bank's
The principal methodologies used in rating Kazinvestbank were "Bank
Financial Strength Ratings: Global Methodology", published in February
2007, and "Incorporation of Joint-Default Analysis into Moody's Bank
Ratings: A Refined Methodology", which was published in March 2007 and
can be found at in the Rating Methodologies sub-
directory under the Research & Ratings tab. Other methodologies and
factors that may have been considered in the process of rating this
issuer can also be found in the Rating Methodologies sub-directory on
Moody's website.
Headquartered in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Kazinvestbank reported total
audited IFRS consolidated assets and net income of USD601 million and
USD0.7 million, respectively, at year-end 2009 (2008: USD567 million
and USD2.1 million, respectively).
Armen L. Dallakyan
Asst Vice President - Analyst
Financial Institutions Group
Moody's Investors Service Ltd.
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Yaroslav Sovgyra
VP - Senior Credit Officer
Financial Institutions Group
Moody's Eastern Europe LLC
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