Moody's Investors Service присвоило ЗАО "Евразийский банк" (Казахстан) кредитные рейтинги E+/B1/NP, прогноз "стабильный"

10.07.03 00:00
/ИРБИС, 10.07.03/ - Агентство Moody's Investors Service сообщило 09 июля 2003 года о присвоении первых кредитных рейтингов ЗАО "Евразийский банк" (Алматы). Банк получил долгосрочный "В1" по главному необеспеченному долгу в иностранной валюте со стабильным прогнозом и рейтинг финансовой силы (FSR) "E+". Способность банка отвечать по краткосрочным банковским депозитам в иностранной валюте оценена агентством на уровне NP (Not Prime). Ниже приводиться оригинальный текст сообщения Moody's Investors Service на английском языке. MOODY'S ASSIGNS TO EURASIAN BANK (KAZAKHSTAN) E+/B1/NP FIRST- TIME RATINGS Limassol, July 09, 2003 -- Moody's Investors Service has assigned to Eurasian Bank an E+ Financial Strength Rating (FSR) and ratings of B1/NP for long- and short-term foreign currency deposits. All ratings carry stable outlooks. The B1/NP foreign currency deposit ratings assigned to Eurasian Bank are constrained by the small size of the institution and thus its relatively small importance for the banking sector and the economy. Hence the rating does not incorporate the possibility of support from the Kazakhstani authorities in case of distress. This prevents us from placing the long-term foreign currency deposit rating higher than is justified by the intrinsic financial strength of the bank. However, the bank's share in the total Kazakhstani banking assets has grown up to 2.31%, and the bank's share in the total equity to 2.65%. The E+ financial strength rating is constrained by the bank's small size and thus increased vulnerability to external shocks, and also by its weak franchise and limited client base. At the same time the FSR takes into account the bank's stable performance in recent years as well as its good asset quality. The FSR is supported by the satisfactory financial condition of the bank, as well as prevailing high asset quality despite rapid growth in the recent past. Eurasian Bank is headquartered in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and reported total IAS- unconsolidated assets of KZT26.5 billion (US$170 million) as of 31 December 2002. [2003-07-10]