Moody's присвоило рейтинг дочерней компании АО "Банк Развития Казахстана"
30.10.07 18:07
/REUTERS, Москва, 30.10.07, заголовок KASE/ - Международное
рейтинговое агентство Moody's присвоило "дочке" государственного
Банка развития Казахстана, компании ДБК-лизинг рейтинг "Bа3" со
стабильным прогнозом, говорится в сообщении агентства.
Рейтинг поддерживают размер капитала ДБК-лизинг, достаточный для
абсорбирования кредитных рисков, значительный объем ликвидности и
занимаемая ниша в лизинговых проектах, пишет Moody's.
Ниже приводится оригинальный текст сообщения агентства Moody's на
английском языке.
First-time ratings
Moscow, October 30, 2007 - Moody's Investors Service has today assigned
Ba3/Not-Prime long- and short-term foreign currency and local currency
issuer ratings to DBK Leasing ("DBKL"). The outlooks for the ratings are
According to Moody's, DBKL's ratings are underpinned by the company's
high capital cushion, which is sufficient to absorb credit risks (although
this is likely to gradually change), strong liquidity and niche in leasing
projects. On the other hand, the ratings reflect (i) the company's limited
franchise, partly due to the short period of its operations and resulting
low profitability; (ii) some concerns as to whether the company will be
successful in significantly increasing its franchise and funding; (iii)
the lack of operating history in the competitive environment; and (iv)
the possibility of politically motivated decisions given its ownership
The Ba3 issuer rating is a two-notch uplift from the Baseline Credit
Assessment (BCA) of B2, based on Moody's assessment of the very high
probability of extraordinary support from the parent. This reflects DBKL's
100% ownership by the Development Bank of Kazakhstan (DBK, with a BCA
of 11-13), the potential reputation damage to DBK from a default of DBKL,
DBKL's small size - providing for a greater ability to provide support, as
well as DBKL's good fit with DBK's strategy. Nonetheless, the fact that
DBKL is a small company with no significant operations to date limits the
importance of DBKL to DBK and as a result diminishes support assumptions.
DBKL is closely dependant on DBK due to the fact that all funding and capital
currently come from the parent.
Successful development of the company's franchise with no excessive rise in
the risk profile, improvement in funding diversification as well as development
of risk management systems would exert upward pressure on the rating. The
transfer of DBKL's stake directly to the state (there is a small possibility
that in the future the stake of the company might be transferred to the state
holding "Sustainable Development Fund "Kazyna") could cause a positive
uplift in DBKL's issuer rating. However, this is not expected in the near term.
Inability to build a sustainable franchise, assumption of excessive risks, as
well as the inability to obtain affordable funding could lower DBKL's rating,
as could any sovereign downgrade or signs of diminished willingness on the
part of the parent to provide support.
Based in Astana, Kazakhstan, DBKL is a 100% leasing subsidiary company
of the Development Bank of Kazakhstan and was set up in 2005. It reported
total assets of USD60 million and equity USD52 million at the end of 2006.
Reynold R. Leegerstee
Managing Director
Financial Institutions Group
Moody's Investors Service Ltd.
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Asst Vice President - Analyst
Financial Institutions Group
Moody's Eastern Europe
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