Moody's присвоило рейтинг "Ва3" владельцу АО "Альянс Банк" (Казахстан) Seimar Alliance Financial Corporation (SAFC)
05.09.07 14:14
/REUTERS, 04.09.07/ - Международное рейтинговое агентство Moody's
присвоило долгосрочный рейтинг "Ва3" и краткосрочный "Not-Prime"
казахстанской группе Seimar Alliance Financial Corporation,
контролирующей Альянс-банк.
Прогноз - стабильный.
Долгосрочный рейтинг Альянс-банка, на который приходится 99 процентов
активов и 94 процентов прибыли группы, остался на ступень выше - "Ba2".
Рейтинги отражают лидирующие позиции группы на рынке потребительского
кредитования в Казахстане и крепкие позиции на рынке депозитов населения,
а также перспективы диверсификации бизнеса.
Ниже приводится оригинальный текст сообщения агентства Moody's на
английском языке.
Moody's rates Seimar Alliance Financial Corporation (Kazakhstan) at
Moscow, September 04, 2007 - Moody's Investors Service has today
assigned Ba3/Not-Prime long- and short-term foreign currency and local
currency issuer ratings to Seimar Alliance Financial Corporation ("SAFC"),
the holding company which includes Alliance Bank, (Ba2/NP/E+) among
others. The outlooks for the ratings are stable.
According to Moody's, the SAFC's ratings reflect (1) the group's leading
position in Kazakhstan's retail lending and good positions in retail deposit-
taking market; (2) the reasonable prospects for the further diversification of
its business; (3) SAFC's recognisable brand; and (4) its adequate strategy for
business expansion. SAFC's ratings also reflect the low double-leverage ratio
(less than 100%) and Moody's expectations that it will not materially exceed
100% over the short to medium term. In addition, the rating incorporates the
rating agency's opinion that the holding will benefit from a degree of systemic
support, because it is regulated on a consolidated basis by AFN. In addition,
the support assumptions reflect Moody's view that, in the event of the holding
company becoming bankrupt, the solvency of Alliance bank is also likely to
be negatively affected.
Moody's added that the ratings reflect the structural subordination of holding
company creditors to those of the group's operating banks, mostly notably
Alliance bank in the event of difficulties. In addition, the rating is constrained
by potential challenges in managing an array of businesses in the group,
including (1) uncertainties over whether risk management and operational
management are adequate to handle the planned rapid growth of the group,
(2) the significant risk appetite and relatively weak control systems on a
group-wide basis and (3) the high reliance on external wholesale funding for
business growth.
Alliance bank is the principal operating subsidiary of SAFC in terms of
balance sheet size and profitability, accounting for 99% of SAFC's assets
and 94% of revenues at the end of H1 2007. The group also has investments
in a small bank in Russia, non-banking lending companies, financial
brokerage and business support companies.
The upgrade of Alliance bank, or improvement in diversification of
businesses, or shift in the weight of the revenue streams toward the higher-
rated companies could form the basis for upgrading SAFC. A downgrade of
Alliance bank, or the domination of the revenue-generating structure by the
lower-rated companies in the group, could lead to a downgrade of SAFC.
However, this is not expected over the near term.
Based in Almaty, Kazakhstan, SAFC is a holding company which includes a
banking segment (represented largely by Alliance bank), non-banking
lending, financial brokerage and business support segments. It reported total
assets of US$7.3 billion and equity US$469 million at the end of 2006.
Adel Satel
Managing Director
Financial Institutions Group
Moody's Investors Service Ltd.
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Asst Vice President - Analyst
Financial Institutions Group
Moody's Eastern Europe
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