Moody's Investors Service ввело национальную шкалу рейтингов для Казахстана

01.03.07 09:40
/REUTERS, Москва, 28.02.07/ - Международное рейтинговое агентство Moody's сообщило, что ввело национальную шкалу рейтингов для Казахстана. "Инвесторы и другие лица, использующие кредитные рейтинги, полагают, что рейтинги по национальной шкале обеспечивают более тонкую дифференциацию кредитоспособности в пределах одной страны. Это особенно полезно в тех случаях, когда рейтинги по глобальной шкале отражают политические и экономические риски, которые могут затруднить оценку рисков, присущих данной конкретной компании, как это имеет место в случае с Казахстаном", - говорится в сообщении. Moody's строит национальную шкалу, определяя самый низкий уровень кредитного риска в какой-либо стране как "Aaa", а самый высокий уровень риска - как "C", а затем ранжирует и распределяет остальные компании по всей шкале. Ниже приводится оригинальный текст сообщения агентства Moody's. MOODY'S INTRODUCES NATIONAL SCALE RATING SYSTEM FOR KAZAKHSTAN London, 28 February 2007 - Moody's Investors Service has introduced a new National Rating Scale for Kazakhstan, effective as of today. The new scale provides a ranking of relative creditworthiness (including relevant external support) in Kazakhstan, denoted using Moody's globally recognised rating symbols modified with a '.kz' marker. Moody's will also continue to issue global scale ratings (i.e. without the '.kz' marker), which are comparable internationally, for Kazakhstani companies. Frederic Drevon, Senior Managing Director - Europe, says: "Investors and other users of credit ratings have found National Scale Ratings to be helpful in providing greater differentiation among credits within a country. This is particularly beneficial when ratings on a global scale reflect political and economic risks that may obscure company-specific risks, as is the case in Kazakhstan, where the foreign currency country ceiling is A2. Moody's believes that NSRs provide enhanced transparency regarding the local credit market environment." Moody's has also published a Rating Methodology entitled "National Scale Ratings in Kazakhstan", which provides a detailed explanation of how Moody's develops and implements national scale systems. The symbols and definitions are consistent with National Scale Rating systems in other countries where Moody's provides such ratings. In countries such as Kazakhstan, where the highest global rating is lower than Aaa, credits are being ranked using fewer than the full 21 rating categories available. A national scale expands the number of categories in active use back to the full 21, improving differentiation. In effect, the national scale divides credit more finely in the range of risk relevant to the country. This is designed to assist market participants seeking to make trade-off decisions among credits within the country. Moody's constructs a national scale by defining as Aaa the lowest-risk tier of credits in a country and as C the highest-risk, and then ranking and distributing the remaining companies across the entire scale. National Scale Ratings can be understood as a relative ranking of creditworthiness (including relevant external support) within a particular country. National Scale Ratings are not designed to be compared among countries as are our global scale ratings; rather, they address relative credit risk within a given country. The use of National Scale Ratings by investors is only appropriate within that portion of a portfolio that is exposed to a given country's local market, taking into consideration the various risks implied by that country's foreign and local currency ratings. The introduction of a National Scale Rating in Kazakhstan complements the active and growing presence of Moody's in Eastern Europe and the CIS markets. In November 2005, Moody's established Moody's Eastern Europe LLC based in Moscow. Prior to that, in June 2004, Moody's had acquired a majority stake in Moody's Interfax Rating Agency (MIRA), building on the relationship with local rating agency Interfax dating back to October 2001. Moody's Investors Service is a leading provider of credit ratings, research and risk analysis. The firm's ratings and analysis track over $35 trillion of debt covering approximately 170,000 corporate, government and structured finance securities, over 100,000 public finance obligations, 10,000 corporate relationships, and 100 sovereign nations. Moody's also publishes credit opinions, research and commentary that reach more than 2,600 institutions and 16,500 users around the globe. Moody's Investors Service is a subsidiary of Moody's Corporation (NYSE: MCO), which employs approximately 2,900 employees in 22 countries and had revenue of $1.7 billion in 2005. Additional information about the company is available at Moscow Alex Sazhin General Manager Moody's Eastern Europe Moody's Eastern Europe Telephone: +7 495 641-1881 Facsimile: +7 495 641-1897 London Frederic Drevon Senior Managing Director for Europe, Middle East & Africa Moody's Investors Service Ltd. JOURNALISTS: 44 20 7772 5456 SUBSCRIBERS: 44 20 7772 5454 [2007-03-01]