Moody's присвоило Казтрансгазу (Казахстан) рейтинг "Ваа1"
17.11.06 17:07
/REUTERS, 17.11.06/ - Рейтинговое агентство Moody's сообщило в
пятницу, что присвоило казахстанской госкомпании Казтрансгаз рейтинг
"Ваа1" со стабильным прогнозом.
Агентство приняло во внимание монопольное положения Казтрансгаза в
качестве оператора магистральных газопроводов Казахстана,
перспективы роста транзита газа в Европу через территорию страны, а
также ряд других факторов, говорится в сообщении.
Казтрансгаз полностью принадлежит госкомпании Казмунайгаз.
Ниже приводится оригинальный текст сообщения агентства Moody's.
Frankfurt, November 17, 2006 -- Moody's Investors Service has assigned a
senior unsecured issuer rating of Baa1 to Kaztransgas. The rating outlook is
stable. This is the first time that Moody's has rated this company.
In assigning the ratings to Kaztransgas (KTG), Moody's has taken into
account: (i) KTG's monopoly position in gas transmission within Kazakhstan
for international transit, export and domestic supply under a long-term
concession agreement (until 2017); (ii) strong position in gas distribution and
supply to industrial and retail customers; (iii) strong geographical position
integrated within the former Soviet Union gas network linking a region of
increasing gas production in the Eastern Caspian and gas-rich Turkmenistan
with Russia and the growing gas markets in Europe; (iv) the company's
strategic importance to the strongly developing Kazakh economy and its
integral relationship with the national oil and gas company, KazMunaiGas
(KMG), the national company presenting state strategic interests in the gas
and oil industry and wholly-owned by the Kazakh government; (v) expected
growth in demand for natural gas in Europe which would positively effect the
volume being transported by KMG; (vi) good growth prospects coming from
increase in gas production in Kazakhstan and regional demand.
The Baa1 issuer rating anticipates that KTG's historically weak financial ratios
will continue to strengthen materially over the intermediate term as a result of
conservative financial policies..
The rating also reflects (i) the company's relatively heavy investment needs to
maintain and increase the capacity of its ageing gas pipeline system; (ii)its
dependence on an anticipated material increase in the volume of gas being
exported from Turkmenistan via Kazakhstan to Russia; (iii) the need to
sustain or raise tariff levels for the transmission of international gas flows
through its pipelines; (iv) significant counterparty concentration risk; (v)
potential negative impact on performance from political interference, notably
having to assume responsibility for the unprofitable distribution and supply of
power and heat in the city of Almaty.
KTG is fully owned by KazMunaiGas, itself in turn being 100% state-owned
and the governments holding company for its strategic oil and gas energy
assets. Therefore KTG is rated in accordance with Moody's GRI
methodology, and the Baa1 foreign currency issuer ratings reflect the
combination of the following inputs:
- Baseline credit assessment of 12 (on a scale of 1-21, where 1 represents
lowest credit risk)
- Baa1 local currency rating of the Kazakhstan government
- Low dependence
- High support
The baseline credit assessment of 12 is underpinned by the company's role
as the state-owned gas transmission and supply utility of Kazakhstan, and
assumes that KTG will not undertake strategic capital expenditure plans
without shareholder agreement and long-term ship or pay commitments in
place from its counterparties.
Low dependence reflects KTG's vital role in the transport of Central Asia gas
to Gazprom and ultimately to Western Europe, from which it derives bulk of
its revenues, and its strategic position from which it is able to earn significant
export revenues, de-linking its financial performance from that of the
Kazakhstan government .
High support reflects the strategic importance of the company to the state,
the interventionist history of the government, and the importance of energy
export revenues to the economy of Kazakhstan.
The rating outlook is stable reflecting the expectation that the company will
increase gas throughput from third-party transit and export enabling it to
bolster cash flows and strengthen debt protection measurements.
Kaztransgas, headquartered in Astana, Kazakhstan, is the indirectly wholly-
state-owned gas transmission company of Kazakhstan. With over 10,000 km
of trunk pipelines, the company's transit in 2005 was 130 bcm of gas up from
121 bcm transported in 2004 and had revenues of USD 760 million and
EBITDA of USD 183 million in 2005.
Johannes Wassenberg
Managing Director
Corporate Finance Group
Moody's Deutschland GmbH
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