Fitch подтвердило рейтинги банка Тураналем (Казахстан)

22.08.06 16:05
/REUTERS, Москва, 22.08.06/ - Международное рейтинговое агентство Fitch подтвердило рейтинги казахстанского банка Тураналем на уровне: валютный рейтинг эмитента "BB+", краткосрочный в иностранной валюте "B", рейтинг эмитента в местной валюте "BBB-", краткосрочный в местной валюте "F3", рейтинг поддержки "3", индивидуальный "C/D". Прогноз рейтингов эмитента - стабильный. Ниже приводится оригинальный текст сообщения агентства Fitch Ratings. FITCH AFFIRMS BANK TURANALEM AT FOREIGN CURRENCY IDR 'BB+' Fitch Ratings-London/Moscow-22 August 2006: Fitch Ratings has today affirmed the ratings of Kazakhstan's Bank TuranAlem ("BTA") at foreign currency Issuer Default 'BB+', foreign currency Short-term 'B', local currency Issuer Default BBB- '(BBB minus), local currency Short-term 'F3', Support '3' and Individual C/D'. The Outlooks on the Issuer Default ratings ("IDRs") are Stable. The IDR, Short-term and Support ratings reflect the moderate probability of support being forthcoming, in case of need, from the Kazakhstani authorities. The Individual rating reflects the risks of the bank's rapid loan growth and ongoing CIS expansion, significant loan concentrations and certain weaknesses in the operating environment. However, it also considers BTA's substantial domestic franchise, reasonable performance and liquidity, quite diversified funding and fairly low market risk appetite. The support floors for BTA's IDRs depend on the sovereign's capacity and propensity to provide support in the event of need. Upside for the support floors is capped at 'BBB-'(BBB minus), given Fitch's view of the authorities' propensity to support banks of BTA's size. The Stable Outlooks on BTA's IDRs reflect those on the sovereign's IDRs. Downward pressure on BTA's Individual rating could result should loan impairment and loss levels continue to increase, or if growing international exposure materially affects capital and/or asset quality. BTA is the second largest commercial bank in Kazakhstan, with top three positions in all major markets segments. BTA's shareholder structure is un- transparent, but Fitch understands that the bank is controlled by a number of Kazakhstani investors. Contact: James Watson, Dmitri Angarov, Moscow, Tel: +7 495 956 9901. Media Relations: Alla Izmailova, Moscow, Tel: +7 495 956 9903; Jon Laycock, London, Tel: +44 20 7417 4327. [2006-08-22]