Moody's повысило долгосрочный рейтинг TEXAKABANK (Казахстан) до "Вa1", прогноз - стабильный
26.07.06 17:34
/REUTERS, 26.07.06/ - Международное рейтинговое агентством Moody's
повысило в среду долгосрочный рейтинг по депозитам в иностранной
валюте казахстанского Texakabank до "Ba1" с "B1", оставив рейтинг
финансовой устойчивости на уровне "E+", а краткосрочный рейтинг по
депозитам - на уровне "Not-Prime".
Прогноз изменения всех рейтингов - стабильный, говорится в сообщении
агентства, полный текст которого на английском языке приводится ниже.
Повышение связано с объявлением крупнейшего российского банка
Сбербанка РФ о приобретении 80 процентов акций Texakabank.
Moscow, July 26, 2006 - Moody's Investors Service has upgraded Texakabank's
long-term foreign currency deposit rating to Ba1 from B1. The E+ financial
strength rating (FSR) and the 'Not-Prime' short-term foreign-currency deposit
rating remain unchanged. The outlook on all ratings is stable.
According to Moody's, the upgrade reflects an increased likelihood of support for
Texakabank from its new controlling shareholder -- the Russian state-controlled
banking major, Sberbank (rated Baa2/D-/P-2) - which recently acquired an 80%
stake in Texakabank. As the new parent is much larger than Texakabank in
terms of assets, equity and franchise, Moody's regards its ability to provide
support as unquestionable. For the same reasons, Sberbank's ratings have not
been affected by the acquisition.
Sberbank obtained regulatory approval to acquire control over Texakabank in
December 2005. However, there was still significant uncertainty with regard to
the transaction, and alternative bids were also considered by Texakabank's
shareholders, so that at that point the bank's ratings were affirmed. Now Moody's
views Sberbank's commitment to the transaction as very high, and as the
primary driver of the upgrade. Texakabank is the first foreign banking subsidiary
of the Russian bank, although a project in Ukraine is also reportedly underway. If
Texakabank is then fully integrated into Sberbank's operations in terms of IT
systems, management and controls, this may also exert positive pressure on the
Kazakh bank's E+ FSR.
Moody's notes that Texakabank's Ba1 long-term foreign currency deposit rating
is constrained by the country ceiling for bank deposits in Kazakhstan, and is
likely to mirror its future moves. Similarly, the stable outlook on this rating is
in line with the outlook on that ceiling, which was changed to stable from
positive in May 2006.
Texakabank is domiciled in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and reported total assets of
KZT24.4 billion (US$183 million) and shareholders' equity of KZT2.8 billion
(US$21 million) under IFRS at year-end 2005. At end-1H 2006 it ranked 16th-
largest bank in Kazakhstan in terms of total assets.
Domiciled in Moscow, Russia, Sberbank is the largest bank in Central and
Eastern Europe, with total assets of US$87.3 billion and shareholders' equity of
US$8 billion as at year-end 2005. It is majority-owned by the Central Bank of the
Russian Federation.
Adel Satel
Managing Director
Financial Institutions Group
Moody's Investors Service Ltd.
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