Fitch может снизить рейтинг Казахойла и повысить - Казтрансойл
22.02.02 00:00
/REUTERS, Нью-Йорк, 22.02.02/ - Международное агентство Fitch сообщило
в пятницу о возможности снижения рейтинга основного необеспеченного
долга казахской нефтяной компании Казахойл и повышения рейтинговой
оценки аналогичной категории долговых обязательств трубопроводной
компании Казтрансойл.
В настоящее время рейтинг основной необеспеченной задолженности
компаний Казахойл и Казтрансойл установлен агентством на отметке "ВВ" и
"ВВ-" соответственно. Поводом для решения Fitch послужил недавний указ
президента Казахстана Нурсултана Назарбаева о слиянии Казахойл и
холдинга Транспорт нефти и газа, в состав которого входит Казтрансойл.
"Предлагаемая комбинация, означающая объединение потенциальной
стабильности доходов... Казтрансойл с рентабельностью нефтедобывающих
операций Казахойл, действительно сулит некоторые умеренно
благоприятные перспективы для рейтинговых оценок обеих компаний", -
отмечается в пресс-релизе Fitch.
"В то же время форма и сущность нового образования все оставляет немало
вопросов, некоторые из которых могут оказать негативное влияние на
рейтинги Казахойл".
В минувшую среду своим указом президент Назарбаев создал компанию
Казмунайгаз, в которую вошли национальная нефтедобывающая компания
Казахойл и две транспортные монополии Казтрансойл и Казтрансгаз,
объединенные в холдинг Транспорт нефти и газа.
Структура, объединяющая активы на сумму несколько миллиардов долларов
США, призвана стать одним из ведущих игроков на бурно развивающемся
энергетическом рынке Казахстана, добывшем в прошлом году около 40
миллионов тонн нефти и планирующем утроить производство к 2015 году.
Ниже следует сообщение Fitch на английском языке:
NEW YORK, Feb 22 - Fitch Ratings has today placed the 'BB' Senior Unsecured
Debt rating of NNK Kazakhoil (including the EUR125 million guaranteed notes
issued by Kazakhoil Finance BV) on Rating Watch Negative. Simultaneously the
BB-' (BB minus) Senior Unsecured Debt rating of NTOC KazTransOil (applied
also to the USD150m guaranteed notes issued by KazTransOil Finance BV) is
placed on Rating Watch Positive. The Short-term rating of KazTransOil is
affirmed at 'B'.
This action follows the announced decree by the President of Kazakhstan to
merge Kazakhoil and KazTransNeftegaz, the parent company of KazTransOil.
The companies expect the formal combination procedure to take up to two
months to complete. While the timing of the decree shows some government
insensitivity relative to Kazakhoil's recent debut bond issue, the existing
ratings already incorporate a tolerance band for the peculiarities of the
Kazakh corporate environment. Importantly, the ownership status within the
group of the three material subsidiaries - which have formed the core of Fitch
analysis of Kazakhoil - has not been questioned. Nonetheless, the combination
is a reversal of a government decision in 1999, which itself reversed
KazTransOil out of Kazakhoil ownership, only a few months after KazTransOil had
been injected into the oil concern.
Put options relating to change of control in both companies' bonds relate to
continuing 50% ownership (direct or indirect) by the Kazakh state, and are thus
unaffected by the plan. A new put option is being considered for the Kazakhoil
bonds, which would grant investors the right to put the bond to Kazakhoil in
the event of the downgrade related specifically to this merger.
The proposed combination does offer some mildly positive perspectives for the
ratings of both Kazakhoil and KazTransOil, principally arising from the
potential stability of revenues from KazTransoil's regulated pipeline business
being combined with the lucrative upstream business of Kazakhoil. Fitch has,
however, performed no due diligence on the other entities to be incorporated
into the group, which, while unlikely to be of material size when compared with
either Kazakhoil or KazTransOil, are equally unlikely to have stand-alone
credit profiles higher than that of Kazakhoil. Additionally, the possibility of
a common stress period (i.e. low prices) affecting both entities remains
material, and the likely benefits would at best solidify the rating of the
group and constituent companies at the 'BB' level, which could involve an
upgrade of the current unenhanced ratings of KazTransOil.
In the meantime, a substantial number of questions remain to be answered on the
form and substance of the new entity, some of which could exercise negative
influence on the current, State support enhanced ratings of Kazakhoil. The
Rating Watch will be resolved following analysis of further details on the
exact corporate structure, including cross-guarantees, structural subordination
issues and any possible ring-fencing of assets; the pro forma credit profile of
the other entities being incorporated into the new group with Kazakhoil and
KazTransOil; and the confirmation or cessation of existing government support
undertakings. Based on current information, Fitch does not believe that the
ratings of Kazakhoil would be downgraded by more than one notch in the event of
a downgrade.