ATFBank JSC (Kazakhstan) started realizing the project on purchasing shares of Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC (Kazakhstan) - press-release
09.02.06 18:31
/KASE, February 9, 06/ - Press-service of ATFBank JSC (Almaty) today
spread press-release saying:
Quotation start
On February 9 of 2006 in Karaganda there was held a meeting of heads of
ATFBank and Valut-Tranzit-Bank with Mr. Nigmatulin Karaganda oblast's Akim.
There were discussed perspectives of mutually profitable cooperation of
Karaganda oblast and two banks in various directions of banking activity. It's
planned to develop regional projects, including opening of lines of financing
small and medium business subjects, retail crediting, design financing and
In accordance with the exclusive Agreement made with Valut-Tranzit-Bank's
shareholders ATFBank starts a complex estimation of Valut-Tranzit-Bank's
business activity, which will last until the beginning of March of this year.
At present, in compliance with Kazakhstan's acting legislation and
requirements of supervisory-control bodies of the country procedure of
preparation of documents necessary for getting permission for purchasing
Valut-Tranzit-Bank's shares is held.
ATFBank JSC and Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC, within the signed Agreement
about ATFBank's intention to buy control shareholding of Valut-Tranzit-Bank
(no less than 50%) and the financial institutions' strategic plans, intend to
work actively on Kazakhstan's financial market. The sides have come to
agreement about unification of strengths on Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC's
development and about plans of its further capitalization.
There has been created a work group, which consists of the bank's
representatives on work out and realization of the joint strategy of business
development in regions.
Information about Valut-Tranzit-Bank
Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC was founded in 1996, since year 2001 the Bank
stably holds position among Kazakhstan's 10 biggest banks by main
According to results of activity, Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC was given the
Euromarket premium in Belgium (year 2003) for contribution to integration
In year 2005 the Bank was given the second place at the ceremony of Asian
Bank Awards for crediting programs development (Philippines).
Today Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC's shares are traded in Kazakhstan stock
exchange's "A" category.
In 2003 by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan
Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC was recognized as confirming to international
accounting standards.
Today the Bank takes the 3rd place by regional network, among
Kazakhstan's second-tier banks, the Bank has 17 branches, 185 CSO, 204
currency exchange offices.
For many years Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC is a participant of Kazakhstan Fund
of physical persons' deposits guaranteeing (insurance), Kazakhstan Stock
Exchange; the World payment system SWIFT; Western Union; REUTERS
the International Information system, Association of Banks of Kazakhstan;
Financial Institutions Association of Kazakhstan, since 2004 the Bank is an
Associated member of VISA the international payment system.
At present Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC supports correspondent relations with
150 leading banks of the USA, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, UAE, China,
Turkey, Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Byelorussia, Moldova,
Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia.
Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC has been included in "Club-500" of most active
participants of Western Union. In year 2005 Valut-Tranzit-Bank's five branch
offices at a time became winners on the program "Top Country Teams", held
by the international company "Western Union Financial Services, GmbH"
among Kazakhstan banks-partners.
Every year Ernst and Yong the auditing firm, which is one of 4 world auditing
firms, approves results of the Bank's business activity.
Moodys the International Rating Agency assigned to Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC
В1 long-term rating and Е+ financial strength rating, all indexes are stable.
The Bank's assets in year 2005 grew by KZT30.5 bn. or by 62%, having
reached almost KZT80 bn. by the end of year 2005. By the size of assets
among second-tier banks Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC takes the 10th place.
The Bank's equity capital within the year (since January 1, 2005) grew by
39.5%, having reached KZT13,622 m. as of January1 of 2006. By
capitalization level Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC takes the 9th place among 34
second-tier banks.
Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC's net profit a of January 1 of 2006 was 2,225 m. The
Bank takes the 8th place by the net profit.
Valut-Tranzit-Bank JSC's deposit base in 2005 grew by 39.5% to KZT45.3
bn., of them KZT28.5 bn. - deposits of physical persons, of which KZT25 bn.
are guaranteed.
Loan portfolio in year 2005 grew by KZT18,449 m. or by 66.2%.
Valut-Tranzit-Bank is actively working on introduction of progressive
programs, products, technologies with participation of such big companies
as "IBM", "3 I Infotech LTD", "Cisco-sistem", new modern system of work
with clients - Client Relationship Management (CRM), Oracle.
Information about ATFBank
ATFBank JSC, founded in year 1995, is one of the leaders of Kazakhstan's
banking system.
ATFBank JSC is a universal financial institution offering to its clients services
on leasing, insurance and pension provision, rendered by companies-
partners: ATF - Leasing, ATF-Policy and APF Otan. At present 18 branch
offices and 16 cash-settlement offices of the bank are functioning in
Kazakhstan. ATFBank JSC holds leading positions on stock and currency
markets of Kazakhstan.
For 10 years of work ATFBank has achieved significant results in all spheres
of banking activity and has become a powerful financial group of companies
of modern type, in which over 2000 persons work and offer a wide range of
financial products and constantly expand the range and scales. ATFBank is
the fourth by assets financial institution of Kazakhstan. As of January 1 of
2006 the Bank's assets were over 2 bn. 600 m. US dollars, equity capital
equals to about 290 m. US dollars, and profit totaled over 32 m. US dollars.
The Bank's loan portfolio - over 1 bn. 814 m. US dollars.
The achieved results are the best confirmation of correctness of the
development strategy chosen by the Bank as a universal financial institution.
Our each client, an individual or small or medium business subject, or a big
company, can use a wide range of banking or financial products and get a
high-quality and quick service in all branches of the bank. Geography of the
Bank's activity covers the country's whole territory. ATFBank has 18 branch
offices and 17 cash-settlement offices.
In year 2005 EUROMONEY the International Agency recognized ATFBank
the leading financial institution of Kazakhstan in corporate governance and
the best Bank for small and medium business of Kazakhstan.
ATFBank develops consumer crediting, finances big industrial ventures. It
pays a special attention on financing small and medium Kazakhstan
business, due to the Bank's funds as well as in cooperation with European
bank for reconstruction and development (EBRD), German Credit institution
for economic recovery (KfW), Asian Development Bank (ADB), The World
Bank (WB).
ATFBank is the first financial institution of Kazakhstan, which has received
from EBRD authorities on independent management of small and medium
business crediting process. ATFBank is a participant of EBRD's programs
such as Trade Facilitation Program and Warehouse Receipt Program, the
bank also actively cooperates with international export credit agencies.
The tight partner relations with leading foreign banks let make quick transfer
of funds around the world, serve cards VISA International,
EuroСard/MasterCard, American Express, issue full range of own VISA
ATFBank has a bank-partner in Kyrgyzstan - Energobank OJSC, and a
representative office in Moscow and plans to purchase commercial bank
Siberia in Omsk.
ATFBank's credit ratings as of January 13, 2006
Long-term counteragent rating В+,
Short-term counteragent rating B
Rating outlook Stable
Long-term deposit rating Ва1
Short-term counteragent rating NP
Financial strength rating D-
Outlook Stable
Long-term counteragent rating ВB-
Short-term counteragent rating В
Individual rating D
Outlook Stable
Support rating 3
Efficiency in work, competence of personnel and long-term relations is the
base of confidence of ATFBank's each client!
Quotation end