Results of prescheduled general shareholders meeting of Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan JSC

07.10.05 16:35
/Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan JSC, October 5, 05/ - On October 5 prescheduled general shareholders meeting of Halyk bank of Kazakhstan JSC was held. As of September 5 of 2005 (date of fixing register of securities holders of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC) number of shareholders of Halyk bank of Kazkahstan joint-stock company was 32,371, including 1 nominal holder, 5 juridical persons and 32,365 physical persons. By the end of registration 15 shareholders and their legal representatives having in the aggregate 762,749,830 voting common shares or 84.99% of the company's all voting common shares had been registered for participation in the meeting. Following decisions were taken: 1.Increase total number of the Bank's announced shares by issuing 31,250,000 preferred shares convertible into common. 1) Total number of announced shares will be 1,003,983,882, including 899,016,660 common shares, 24,742,000 preferred shares and 80,225,222 preferred shares convertible into common; 2) charge the Board of directors and Executive committee within their authorities with taking all necessary measures for provision of realization of decisions taken by the meeting about increasing of total number of announced preferred shares convertible into common by making issue and offering of preferred shares convertible into common in the order set by Kazakhstan legislation. 2.Confirm Changes and additions in the Charter of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC and authorize T. Maryasova the Bank's shareholder with signing Changes and additions in the Charter of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC. 3.Appoint an additional auditing company for auditing Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC and rendering other auditing and consulting services. 4.Confirm deals, in making of which there is interest, according to the list examined by the general shareholders meeting. 5.Elect Kadyrzhan Damitov as a new member of the Board of directors of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC and set authorities term of Kadyrzhan Damitov elected again member of the Bank's Board of directors - until expiration of authorities term of the Bank's Board of directors as the whole. [2005-10-07]