/KASE, April 3, 2024/ – Zhaikmunai LLP (Oral), whose bonds are officially listed
on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following
press release dated April 2, 2024:
Zhaikmunai LLP, a subsidiary of Nostrum Oil & Gas PLC ("Nostrum"or "the
Company"and together with its subsidiaries "the Group"), an independent oil and
gas company engaging in the production, development and exploration of oil and
gas in the pre-Caspian Basin, is pleased to announce that Nostrum has made a
final investment decision ("FID") for the initial field development phase of the
Kamensko-Teplovsko-Tokarevskoe area in the West Kazakhstan Region (the
"Stepnoy Leopard Fields") owned by its 80% subsidiary Positiv Invest LLP ("PI"),
with first production targeted for the end of 2026.
During the initial development phase the Company will drill 4 development wells
across the key reservoirs, targeting recoverable resource potential between 30
mmboe and 50 mmboe. The wells will produce the raw sour gas and liquids full-
well-stream to the Company's Chinarevskoye processing facilities via a 120-km
multiphase trunkline.
The complete press release in Russian and English has been published at –