KASE suspends trades in bonds KZMJ00001329 (SKK021_132) of the local executive body of North Kazakhstan Region from March 6

06.03.24 09:33
/KASE, 06.03.24/ – The Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) notifies that from March 6, 2024, trades in bonds KZMJ00001329 (sector “government securities”, SKK021_132) of the local executive body of North Kazakhstan Region has been suspended on KASE. Trades are suspended subject to sub-clause 1) clause 1 article 11-2 of KASE’s internal document “Rules for conduct of exchange activities” based on information posted on the Internet resource of Central Securities Depository JSC on March 05, 2024, about early repayment of these bonds. [2024-03-06]