As of December 29 bonds KZ2P00010457 (MFDFb1) and KZ2P00010465 (MFDFb2) of "FinTechLab" microfinance organization included in "bonds" category of KASE official list's alternative market

29.12.23 17:29
/KASE, December 29, 2023/ – As announced earlier, the Listing Commission of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) on December 28, 2023 made a decision on inclusion of the following bonds of "FinTechLab" microfinance organization LLP (Almaty) in the category "bonds" of KASE official list's alternative market: - KZ2P00010457 (MFDFb1; KZT1,000, KZT3.0 bn; 2 years; quarterly coupon, 21.50 % APR; 30/360); - KZ2P00010465 (MFDFb2; $100, $7.0 mln; 2 years; quarterly coupon, 11.00 % APR; 30/360). The Listing Commission decision's effective date is December 29, 2023. Opening of trading in these bonds on KASE will be announced later. More detailed information on the said bond issues will be released at [2023-12-29]