Results of activity of Development Bank of Kazakhstan CJSC (Kazakhstan) for 9 months of 2003
13.11.03 00:00
/IRBIS, November 11, 03/ - Development Bank of Kazakhstan CJSC
(Astana), whose bonds are circulating in Kazakhstan stock exchange's
(KASE) official "A" listing category, provided KASE with the financial
statement for 9 months of 2003, which was prepared in compliance with
international standards.
The following indicators are results of the bank's financial and economic
activity for 9 months of 2003, based upon the bank's information (in th. KZT):
As of As of
Indicator Oct 1, 02* Oct 1, 03
------------------------- ---------- ----------
Authorized capital (paid) 30,000,000 37,700,000
Shareholders' equity 31,085,289 41,728,897
Book value assets 40,231,091 61,348,043
Liquid assets 31,650,293 37,528,538
Credits granted (net) 6,015,525 15,872,331
Total liabilities 9,145,802 19,619,146
Attracted credits 4,332,159 0
Issued bonds 4,581,732 19,504,065
Total revenues 2,486,174 3,617,039
General expenses 873,157 2,398,544
Net income for the period 1,613,017 1,218,495
* - presented from the financial statements, prepared in compliance with
Kazakhstan accounting standards and banking legislation of the Republic of
Comparative analysis of financial results of Development bank of
Kazakhstan for 9 months of 2002 and 2003 is not presented due to the fact
that financial statements for these periods were prepared in accordance with
different accounting standards, which have significant changes.
Primary activity - rendering of banking activities (excepting attracting of
deposits and opening of accounts for physical and juridical entities, excluding
opening and maintaining of accounts of conditional deposits, reserve
accounts in compliance with agreements on loans that are guaranteed by the
state, bank accounts for registering the bank's loans, other loans and funds
of the republican and local budgets, in order to make payments and money
transfers, which are provided by agreements, which have been made in
compliance with investment projects and export operations, which are
served by the bank).