In December of 2002 volume of transactions in foreign currency at KASE reached the equivalent of $430.3 m and increased by 11.6%
30.12.02 00:00
/IRBIS, December 30, 02/ - In December of 2002 volume of transactions in
foreign currency at Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) reached the
equivalent of USD430,328.2 th. (KZT66,984.5 m) and increased relative to
November of 2002 by USD44,825.2 th. (KZT7,470.6 m) or by 11.6%
(12.6%). Stated volume is the greatest monthly volume of transactions in
foreign currency in Kazakhstan from the start of tenge circulation. Relative to
December of the last year the volume increased by USD180,853.2 th.
(KZT29,481.1 m) or by 72.5% (78.6%).
Total of 2,777 deals (1,953) were made within a month (hereafter
comparable figures of previous month are given in parentheses), including:
in U.S. dollars on TOD terms - 2,538 (1,888), on TOM terms - 151 (62), on
SPOT terms - 85 (0); in euro - 0 (1), in Russian ruble - 3 (2).
Share of US dollar in the total turnover of the exchange's currency market
totaled in December 99.97% (99.95%).
Volume of transactions in U.S. dollars reached $430,190 th. ($385,295.0)
for KZT66,963.0 m (59,481.8 m). For comparison, total volume of USD deals
in December of 2001 at KASE amounted to $249,190.0 th. for the amount of
KZT37,460.4 m.
Tenge devaluation rate against dollar, calculated at weighted average rate
of the main session of the Exchange, is estimated in December of 2002
(November 30, 02 = KZT154.88 - December 31, 02 = KZT155.85) by a trend
of 7.37% APR. Last month average devaluation rate of tenge was equal to
3.23% APR.
Weighted average rate of the U.S. dollar against the tenge, calculated by
the deals of the main session in December - KZT154.68 per unit. For
November of 2002 - KZT154.38 per dollar.
Based on the data of the National Bank, volume of over-the-counter deals
in U.S. dollars between the operators-residents of Kazakhstan since
December 01 of 2002 till December 18, 2002 (later data is absent) reached
$318,074.0 th. Volume of all interbank over-the-counter market during this
period: purchases - $63,601.0 th., sales - $51,273.0 th.
On Russian rouble volume of deals in December of 2002 reached RUR4.4
m (1.8 m) for a total of KZT21.5 m (8.7 m). Tenge fluctuation rate against
rouble, estimated using weighted average rate of KASE, equaled in
December of 2002 (November 30, 02 = KZT4.8410 - December 31, 02 =
KZT4.8954) by the trend of positive 13.23% APR. Last month this figure
was negative 5.01% APR.
Volume of over-the-counter transactions on Russian rouble between
operators-residents of Kazakhstan according to the National Bank data since
December 01 till December 18 of 2002 (later data is absent) was
RUR67,365.0 th. Volume of deals of entire over-the counter interbank
market (taking into account non-residents) in this period: purchase -
RUR104,785.0 th., sale - RUR68,481.0 th.
There were no transactions in euro made in December of 2002 at KASE. In
November the volume of transactions hadn't exceeded EUR150.0 th. to the
total amount of KZT23.4 m.