Results of activity of Kazakhtelecom (Kazakhstan) for 9 months of 2002
29.11.02 00:00
/KASE, November 29, 02/ - Kazakhtelecom (Astana), whose securities are
circulating under the stock exchange's official "A" listing category, provided
KASE with the financial statement for 9 months of 2002: the balance sheet,
income statement and cash flow statement.
The following indicators are results of the issuer's financial and economic
activity for 9 months of 2002, based upon the issuer's information (in th.
KZT, unless otherwise specified):
As of As of
Indicator Oct 1, 01 Oct 1, 02 Change,%
------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- --------
Issued authorized capital (paid 12,136,529 9,483,669 -21.9
excluding withdrawn)
Shareholders' equity 39,501,324 44,788,624 +13.4
Total assets 65,673,656 80,469,153 +22.5
Net working capital -1,365,293 -6,892,189 -404.8
Accounts receivable 8,093,710 10,329,798 +27.6
Liabilities, total (including bonds) 26,172,332 35,680,529 +36.3
Attracted credits 17,342,834 24,671,792 +42.3
Accounts payable 8,700,896 11,005,060 +26.5
Volume of rendered services 32,336,641 40,850,687 +26.3
Cost of rendered services 18,078,221 24,142,024 +33.5
Net income for the period 6,122,050 8,318,988 +35.9
Book value of one share, KZT 3,254.75 3,954.39 +21.5
Relative to similar period of 2001 there increase of:
- Shareholders' equity - by KZT5.3 bn as the result of increase of total sum
of undistributed income by 10.1 bn that was partially covered by
purchasing of own privileged shares for 2.7 bn and decrease of
additionally unpaid capital by KZT2.1 bn;
- assets - by KZT14.8 bn, including: residual value of fixed assets - by 8.1
bn, long-term investments - by 3.2 bn, accounts receivable - by 2.2 bn,
inventories - by 1.8 bn, whereas there took place decrease of other
assets - by 571.4 m;
- liabilities - by KZT9.5 bn that was caused by increase of attracted funds
volume (including bonds offering) by 7.3 bn and accounts payable by 2.3
- volume of rendered services - by KZT8.5 bn;
- cost of rendered services - by KZT6.1 bn;
- expenses of the period - by KZT2.6 bn (by 51.5%).
Net income received by Kazakhtelecom by the results of 9 months of 2002
increased in comparison with similar period of 2001 by KZT2.2 bn.
The tale below shows dynamics of some indicators of Kazakhtelecom OJSC
for 9 months of 2002 by quarters by non-growing result (in m KZT):
Change, Change,
Indicator I-2002 II-2002 % III-2002 %
------------ -------- -------- ------- -------- -------
Sales volume 12,552.9 14,166.8 +12.9 14,131.0 -0.3
Net income 2,728.6 2,516.2 -7.8 3,074.2 +22.2
The company's primary activities - telephone, telegraph, TV
and radio communication of all types.