Auditor's conclusion of Astana-Finance OJSC (Kazakhstan) financial statement for 2001

15.05.02 00:00
/KASE, May 15 02/ - Astana-Finance OJSC (Almaty), whose securities are being traded under category "A" of the official listing presented KASE the auditor's conclusion compiled by Andersen (Almaty, Kazakhstan). The conclusion was made in accordance with international standards. According to the independent auditor's data the results of the bank's economic activity by December 31, 2001 and 2000 are as follows (in th. KZT, unless otherwise indicated): -------------------------------------------------------- Indicator 2000 2001 --------------------------------- ---------- --------- Authorized capital (issued) 3,100,000 2,000,000 Authorized capital (paid) 1,808,320 1,817,420 Shareholders' equity 2,085,388 2,164,351 Total assets 13,457,243 9,918,781 Loan portfolio 2,698,556 2,941,344 Accounts receivable 4,824,855 1,111,696 Total liabilities 11,365,439 7,711,596 Attracted funds (including bonds) 9,828,261 6,176,865 Bonds issued - 1,475,672 Accounts payable 1,243,955 1,136,615 Income from transaction activity 891,831 1,337,677 Total expenses 766,988 1,267,814 Net income (expense) 124,843 69,863 -------------------------------------------------------- According to the auditor's data it's calculated: -------------------------------------------------------- Return on equity (ROE), % 5.99 3.23 Return on assets (ROA), % 0.93 0.70 Earnings per share (EPS), tenge 69.04 38.44 Price earning ratio (P/E) 14.48 26.01 Book value of the share, tenge 1,153.22 1,190.89 -------------------------------------------------------- Audit of the consolidated financial statement of Astana-Finance OJSC (hereinafter Company) was carried out by Andersen in accordance with international auditing standards. By December 31 of 2001 and 2002 the consolidated financial statement comprised the company's accounts and accounts of the following daughter companies: Astana City Palace OJSC (company's market share in 2001 is 100%, in 2000 - 100%), Atyrau nedvizhimost' OJSC (100% and 0%), Areket Business Center LLP (0% and 99%), Horse Sport Club Kulager LLP (98.8% and 98.8%), Sanatoriy Priozeniy LLP (100% and 100%), Nedvizhimost Consulting OJSC (80% and 80%), Shagala LLP (0% and 89.1%), VIP Gorodok Astana LLP (0% and 75%), Astana Gas Service OJSC (70% and 0%). In the auditor's opinion financial statements present impartial picture of financial situation of DB Alfa-Bank OJSC by December 31, 2001 and the results of its activity and cash flow within the year which ended by the date mentioned above in compliance with International Accounting Standards published by International Standards Committee. Astana-finance OJSC is a nonblank financial institution whose main activities are several kinds of banking services, investing, financing of economic and social projects Astana development and other activities in accordance with the Charter and licenses that the company possesses. [2002-05-15]