Results of VALUT-TRANZIT BANK OJSC (Kazakhstan) in I half of 2001

17.08.01 00:00
/KASE, Aug 17, 01/ - VALUT-TRANZIT BANK OJSC (Karagandy) provided the KASE with its financial statements for the I half of 2001: balance sheet and income statement. By the data of the issuer following are the results of the company in the I half of 2001 (in th. KZT): ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------- As of As of Change, Ratio July 1 '00 July 1 '01 % ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- ------- Authorized capital (less treasury stock) 1,000,000 1,299,560 +30.0 Shareholders' equity 1,179,511 2,264,423 +92.0 Total assets 3,396,747 10,199,888 +200.3 Liquid assets 176,760 1,249,844 +607.1 Loans granted (net) 2,595,028 8,065,371 +210.8 Total liabilities 2,217,236 7,935,465 +257.9 Loans and deposits 2,182,284 7,497,568 +243.6 Operating income 283,965 820,147 +188.8 General expenses 267,933 675,566 +152.1 Net income 16,032 144,581 +801.8 Book value of a share, KZT 235.90 348.49 +47.7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Compared to I half of 2000 growth took place in: - shareholders' equity of the bank - by KZT1,084.9m, or by 92.0% (as a result of a floatation of the bank's seventh issue shares - by KZT299.6m, increase in additional capital - by KZT579.4m, final amount of undistributed income by KZT128.5m, accumulations in the funds and reserves - by KZT77.4m; - assets - by KZT6.8bn, or 3.0 times (of which growth of loan portfolio equaled KZT5.5bn, or 80% of all assets increase); - liabilities - by KZT5.7bn, or 3.6 times (including a growth of deposits by KZT5.2bn, or 91.6% of liabilities growth); - operating income - by KZT536.2m, or 188.8% (including increase in lending income by KZT389.6m); - expenses - by KZT407.6m, or 152.1% (as a result of an increase in interest payments on deposits, administrative, personnel and office expenses). As a result of income surpassing the expenses, net income of VALUT- TRANZIT BANK OJSC in the I half of 2001 equaled KZT144.6m, or KZT128.5m, or 9.0 times bigger than in similar period of last year. Common (KZ1C33291013, trade code - VTBN) and preferred (KZ1C33291018, trade code - VTBNp) shares of VALUT-TRANZIT BANK OJSC were admitted to the official list of the KASE securities under category "A" on February 5, 2001 (from May 19, 00 through February 2, 01 they were under category "B").