Schedule of events on stock exchange corporate market of Kazakhstan for June 25 through July 1

25.06.01 00:00
/IRBIS, June 25, 01/ - For June 25 through July 1, 2001 following events will take place on corporate debt market of Kazakhstan at the Exchange. June 25 - actual payment date of the principal of first issue discounted bonds of Kazakhstan Temir Joly NSE (Astana; KZ2CLALN6A19, official list of KASE securities, category "А", TMJLb, June 23.00 - June 23.01, $15m). Payment amount is an equivalent of $15m as of June 23 (KZT146.48 per dollar at the Exchange), or KZT2,197.2m. Maturity date of the bonds is June 23, 01. Since it is Saturday, actual payment of the principal should take place on June 25, that is, next week. June 20 - register of holder of second issue coupon bonds of RG Brands OJSC (Almaty; production and sales of natural juices; KZ72KAT51A39, official list of KASE securities, category "А", RGBRb2; $100; $4m; Jan 8.01 - Jan 8.03; semiannual coupon at 13% APR) is fixed for the first coupon payment. Total amount of money to be received by corporate debtholders is estimated by IRBIS at KZT2,197.2m from June 25 through July 1, 2001.