Auditing report on financial statements of OJSC "Komirbank" (Kazakhstan) in 1999
18.07.00 00:00
/KASE, July 18, 00/ - OJSC "Komirbank" (Ekibastuz, official list of securities,
category "A") in accordance with the listing requirements provided
Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) with auditing report of Arthur Andersen
(Almaty, Kazakhstan) made on 1999 financial statements of the issuer.
Based on the data of an independent auditor, who finished working on the
statements on May 10, 2000, following are the results of the bank as of
December 31, 1999 (in th. KZT):
Indicator 1998 1999
------------------------------------- --------- ---------
Authorized capital (paid) 1,000,000 1,500,000
Number of paid shares 1,000,000 1,500,000
Shareholders' equity 1,007,473 1,463,527
Total assets 1,360,553 3,673,108
Liquid assets 175,892 310,495
Loans and other outflows to the banks 136,523 639,267
Liabilities to other banks 50,000 180,115
Loans and advances to other clients 1,053,712 2,005,176
Liabilities to the clients 293,069 1,708,296
Operating income 245,409 546,350
Total expenses 259,422 536,171
Net income -14,013 10,179
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Calculated based on the data of the auditing report:
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Return on equity (ROE), % - 0.70
Return on assets (ROA), % - 0.28
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Auditing of "Arthur Andersen" was carried out in accordance with
International accounting standards. Since OJSC "Komirbank" keeps its
accounts and financial records based on the Kazakhstani accounting
standards, and banking legislature, the auditor had to make a number of
adjustments and regroupings to make the articles of the balance sheet in
compliance with International accounting standards (IAS). As a result, there
are some discrepancies between financial and economic indicators of the
company and those of an independent auditor.
Based on the data of the auditor, capital sufficiency coefficient equaled 38%
as of December 31, 1999, which exceeds 8% minimum set by the Basel
The valuation of the market values of financial instruments (cash, liabilities
of credit institutions and liabilities to credit institutions, loans to the
clients and less than one month old liabilities to the clients) is considered
by the auditor reasonable.
Regarding the deals, made by two parties, the auditor notes that they were
made on market and bank terms.
In December 1999 OJSC "Komirbank" bought all the shares issued by OJSC
"Latur Alliance Bank" in exchange for 500,000 its own shares. This deal was
regarded as pooling the stakes. Based on IAS #21, financial statements of
merging companies, regarded as pooling the stakes, should be rearranged
to reflect the joint activities of the companies as if the pooling took place
at the earliest date when the financial statements were rearranged. Since until
1999 OJSC "Latur Alliance Bank" did not have an auditing by International
standards, financial statements of OJSC "Komirbank" were rearranged as if
the merger took place on January 1, 1999.
In the opinion of the auditor, except for inability to present rearranged
financial statements as it was mentioned above, financial statements of
OJSC "Komirbank" give a reliable and objective picture of the bank's
financial situation as of December 31, 1999, its financial economic activities
and cash flow statements as of indicated date in accordance with
International accounting standards published by the International accounting
standards committee.