Results of OJSC "Corporation Kazakhmys" (Kazakhstan) in I quarter of 2000
17.07.00 00:00
/KASE, July 17, 00, Galina Chudinova/ - OJSC "Corporation Kazakhmys"
(Jezkazgan, official list of securities, category "B") in accordance with the
listing requirements provided Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) with its
financial statements for the I quarter of 2000: balance sheet, income and
cash flow statements.
Following are the results of the issuer in the I quarter of 2000 (in th. KZT):
As of As of
Indicator Apr.1,99 Apr.1,00 Change, %
------------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------
Authorized capital (announced) 98 231 98 231 0,0
Authorized capital (paid) 98 231 98 231 0,0
Shareholders' equity 32 193 158 45 884 213 +42,5
Total assets 76 802 156 100 431 203 +30,8
Net working capital -15 714 345 -5 251 725 +66,6
Accounts receivable 14 809 605 28 889 693 +95,1
Accounts payable 26 589 210 31 484 751 +18,4
Sales (services offered) 12 596 584 29 366 982 +133,1
Cost of goods sold (services
offered) 9 458 113 12 330 807 +30,4
Net income (loss) (175 051) 11 082 324 +6 430,9
------------------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------
Compared to similar period of 1999 growth took place in:
- shareholders' equity - by KZT13.7 bln, or 42.5% (resulting undistributed
income - by KZT13.7 bln, with the decrease in additional unpaid capital
by KZT4.8 mln);
- assets - by KZT23.6 bln, or 30.8%;
- liabilities - by KZT9.9 bln, or 22.3%;
- sales - by KZT16.8 bln, or 133.1%;
- cost of goods sold - by KZT2.9 bln, or 30.4%;
- expenses of the period - by KZT1.0 bln, or 39.8%.
Net income of OJSC "Corporation Kazakhmys" in I quarter of 2000 equaled
KZT11.1 bln against KZT175.1 mln loss in similar period of 1999.