Kazakhstan plans to increase oil production up to 33.7 mln tons in 2000
09.02.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Feb.9, 00/ - REUTERS informs, with the reference to the minister of
energy, industry and trade Vladimir Shkolnik, that Kazakhstan plans to
increase oil and gas condensate productions up to 33.7 mln tons in the year
2000 from 30.3 mln tons in 1999.
He said oil production, including gas condensate, reached about 30 mln tons
last year.
However, he did not give estimated figures of Kazakhstani oil exports in year
2000. It was said around 9 mln of all produced oil would be used for the
needs of three domestic refineries.
Earlier, the government made a decision to limit oil exports in year 2000 at
22 mln tons to provide local refineries with raw materials. The decision
brought about a negative response among oil companies, most of which are
foreign investors.
The government estimated oil exports to equal 20.662 mln tons last year.
Domestic refineries received 5.955 mln tons.