STATISTICS: Weekly volume of deals in private issue securities at KASE - $1,640.1 thousand

24.12.99 00:00
/IRBIS, Dec.24, 99/ - During the 52nd week (December 20 - 26) on Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) 6 deals were made totaling $1,640.1 thousand in private issue securities (PIS). Comparable figures of last period: 6 deals for $6,133.3 thousand. Turnover fell 73.3% (KZT4,493.3 thousand) in a week. Volume of operations in terms of securities shrunk 17.6 times (by $3,997.9 thousand) to 240,402 shares against 4,238.350 shares last week. Deals were made in 3 instruments only. The most liquid were preferred shares of OJSC "KAZAKHTELECOM" (KZTKp, official list of securities, category "A"). Also common inscribed shares of OJSC "SHNOS" (Shymkent, KASE official list of securities, category "A", trade code SYRG) and preferred shares of JSC "Margarinovyi zavod" (KMRZp, "Non-listing securities" sector, admittance level 2). Out of 6 deals 3 were direct, that is, they were made by the brokers in Quotation system of KASE, which excludes automatic satisfaction of the applications in counter auction mode. Other 3 deals were made in main mode of Trade system of KASE.