USD/KZT at the day closing - 139.90/140.00 (indicators)
08.11.99 00:00
/IRBIS, Nov.08, 99/ - According to REUTERS, at the moment of closing of
Kazakhstan's OTC-market on November 04 tenge/dollar quotations has
made 139,90/140,00 tenge per dollar at the average weighted exchange rate
139,97 (-0,38) and session closing quotations of 139,91/92.
By the dealers interbank quotations, tenge as against of the previous day
closing increased by 38 points on demand and by 33 points on supply.
After insignificant decrease of tenge rate in the interbank market after
dinner, by 6:00 p.m. quotations were stabilized, and it was difficult to
fined any tendency in their change.
The spreads varied today from 8 to 15 points at average 11.
After stability within the last several days, the overnight deposits rate have
grown to 3%/7% p.a. The short money demand has slightly increased, there
were no transactions in the repo sector of KASE.
Reaction of the market to coming cancellation of obligatory sale of half of
export proceeds is less active, than it was supposed. The decrease of dollar
rate on today's exchange trades is rather unexpected. It is possible, that the
results of trades were affected by(with) a day off in Russia.
By the technical market indicators there will be no essential changes on
KASE tomorrow. The tenge has approximately equal chances to increase or
to lose some points. Most likely, the market will open low, and the further
will depend on supply of the exporters' foreign currency earnings.