The OPEC increases export of oil on the world market - experts of weekly magazine Mid East Economic Survey

19.10.99 00:00
/PRIME TASS, Oct.19, 99/ - The Organization of Countries - Oil Exporters /OPEC/ has increased in September export deliveries of oil by on the world market by 140,000 barrels per day in comparison with August. Such data are contained in expert research published in the last number of the competent weekly magazine Mid East Economic Survey. Despite of it, the experts are sure, that, excluding Iraq, 10 countries - members OPEC observed the quotas reduction program by 92.5%. "OPEC should reduce export in future by 324,000 barrels per day to execute a task to export daily 22.967 million barrels", - Mid East Economic Survey approves. Indonesia and Iran was named by the experts among the infringes. In September they exported daily by 10,000 barrels more than the its determined quotas. Also were mentioned: Nigeria - 40,000 barrels surplus, Saudi Arabia - 50,000 barrels, and Venezuela - 30,000 barrels. In the experts opinion, the oil export increase has instantly affected pricing in the world oil market. In the first week of October the oil prices fallen by $3.5 per barrel, that has caused appeal of the OPEC general secretary, minister of industry and power of Qatar to the his colleagues. In the letter directed to the oil ministers of the OPEC countries, by the magazine data, al'-Altyia has warned, that "everything, that was achieved was rather the fiction than reality ". As he said, the present oil prices are only by $2.9 higher last year's average". In this connection al'-Altyia has warned any of countries included OPEC, do not disturb export obligations, as such actions may break down all petroleum cartel export policy. The general secretary of OPEC also has called the colleagues to be more "accurate" when they doing the press release and "do not left for the journalist any chances for speculations".