Complete results of placement of NOTE-35 #340
07.10.99 00:00
/IRBIS, Oct.07, 99/ - On October 07 the National Bank has conducted the
340th auction for notes with 100 tenge of nominal value and 35 days of
circulation period placement. Announced volume of issue is determined by
the emitter at KZT200 million. Satisfaction size of the incompetitive
applications - 60 % from established volume.
Auction was hold with additional placement which was made during the day.
The complete data are given below (there is no comparison, because the last
such auction was more than a month ago).
Type of securities Note-35
NSIN KZ95K1111998
Trade code at KASE NTK340.035
IRBIS' registration number 340/N
Nominal value, KZT 100.00
Date of issue Oct.06, 99
Beginning of the circulation Oct.07, 99
Maturity date Nov.11, 99
Time of circulation 35 days
Demand, million KZT 444.1
Yield on demand weighted av., % p.a. 19,17
Planed volume, million KZT 200.0
Actual volume, million KZT 400.0
The cutting off price, KZT 98.34
The weighted average price, KZT 98.34
Maximum yield, % p.a. 17.56
Weighted average yield., % p.a. 17.56
Weighted average yield., eff., % p.a. 19.01
Placement results testify that the emitter manages to interest banks by short
non indexed tools. And though volume of demand (proceeding from current
volumes repayment, is insignificant now, it is more better than nothing. The
effective rate of placed securities was by 268 percentage points above than
rate of previous placement (note-14, Sep.30.99)
In opinion of the IRBIS's analysts, in the current week the National Bank will
try to draw free means of bank of the second tier from the currency sector to
the sector of notes primary placement. A moment suitable, as the current
devaluation rate under the short-term tendency still to decrease. This
placement is an illustration to this theme. Time will show whether the
National Bank can to embody conceived in the a practice.