Weekly volume of deals with Non-state issued Securities at KASE - $110.4 thousand (statistics)
20.08.99 00:00
/IRBIS, Aug.20, 99/ - During the 34th calendar week of 1999 (August 16 -
August 22) 8 deals totaling $110.4 thousand were made with non-state
issued securitites (NIS) at Kazakhstan Stock Exchange.
Compared to the previous reporting period the number of deals did not
change, but the total volume of deals rose by 60.1%. Volume of the deals in
terms of securities equals 17,564 shares during this week (growth of 63.8%).
XS0081674359, official list, category "A") were off the market for three weeks
already. Their purchase was linked to certain difficulties caused by the
legislation on currency regulation.
Generally, nothing has changed significantly in the market. Almost all the
operations were direct deals. No trades were held as such. Demand for
stocks of Kazakhstan emitters is fully absent while constant offer exists on 7
- 25 instruments.
On August 22 capitalization (A+B+N without state owned block of shares) of
the exchange market for corporate securities is estimated at $929.5 mln. 84
instruments of 64 companies and 5 state owned blocks of shares can be
traded on the trade floor.