Kazakhtelecom (Kazakhstan) signed Memorandum with China Telecom (China)

23.05.12 10:23
/KASE, May 23, 12/ - Kazakhtelecom (Astana), securities of which are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), provided to KASE the following press release of May 22, 2012: quotation Today Kazakhtelecom and China Telecom discussed issued related to further development of the companies joint cooperation. According to results of the bilateral meeting the companies signed the Memorandum on construction of the second interface on the border of Kazakhstan with China in the area of Dostyk - Alashankou. Kazakhtelecom Management Board Chairman Kuanyshbek Esekeev emphasized that implementation of this project will allow improvement the company telecommunication network quality. "This, in its turn, will open new possibilities for transit capacity of the country" - said K. Esekeev. In general, telecommunication networks of Kazakhstan have significant impact on economic reforms and the country position on the information and telecommunication services market. During 12 years of cooperation between the companies Kazakhtelecom and ChinaTelecom signed 6 agreements of cooperation, including the bilateral Agreement on creation and maintenance of the point of presence (PoP) of Kazakhtelecom in Hong-Kong, The Memorandum on extension of the first interface in "Zharkent-Horgos", etc. During the signing procedure the parties agreed that Signing of this Memorandum will become one of the phases of further integration of Kazakhstan and China telecommunication network. This will facilitate improvement of the region position in the telecommunication industry development global rating. Kazakhtelecom PR Service ends [2012-05-23]