Market reviews from analysts of FIH "RESMI" (Kazakhstan) for December 22, 2011

22.12.11 18:12
/IRBIS, December 22, 2011/ - "RESMI" Financial & Investment House" JCS (Almaty, "RESMI" FIH) has provided IRBIS with the review of key events and its investment ideas and forecasts for December 22, 2011 The "RESMI" FIH analysts pay the investors' attention to the following key events on the markets: - In order to stimulate domestic demand, China will maintain import tariffs on a wide range of goods at a low level. According to the Minister of Finance, the State Council Tariff Committee finalized a scheme of tariffs for the next year, reducing tariffs on 730 kinds of imported goods to an average of 4.4%, which is about half of the one recommended by World Trade Organization as the most preferred. Decrease occurred after the annual economic conference, it was decided to stimulate domestic demand as a means to compensate for the decrease in external demand. Imported goods, powered down the list for low tariffs, including key components for major industries such as manufacturing high-tech equipment, products, information technology, and devices for alternative energy products, agricultural and personal hygiene. - The agency Fitch Ratings on Wednesday warned that the growing U.S. debt load does not meet the country's highest AAA credit rating, but made it clear that the decision to lower the rating, most likely, will not be made until 2013. A key objective of the Congress and the U.S. administration until 2013 - to formulate a solid plan to reduce budget deficits and the stabilization of the federal debt load. According to Fitch, in the absence of such a strategy rating is most likely to be reduced before the end of 2013. - Europe's biggest bank HSBC has sold one of its units in Japan, the Swiss Credit Suisse. The deal amounted to $2.7 billion. The deal, still to be approved by the regulators, is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2012. The decision to sell part of the HSBC business in Japan was made in the program to reduce the cost of the organization. This program provides savings of $ 3.5 billion by 2013 and cut 30 thousand jobs worldwide. In August, it was announced that HSBC has decided to sell 195 of 470 retail units in the U.S. First Niagara Bank for about $ 1 billion. The British financial organization also planned to withdraw their assets from several countries, including Russia, Poland, Canada and Chile. In June, Russian media reported that the new owner of the assets of HSBC Russia could become the American division of Citigroup - JSC "Citibank". The given material has exclusively information character and is not the offer or recommendation to make any transactions with the stocks. Agency Irbis doesn't take responsibility for the opinions which are given in this material [2011-12-22]