/IRBIS, October 10, 2011/ - IRBIS Information Agency of Financial Markets
(Almaty) rated liquidity of listing companies shares traded on Kazakhstan
Stock Exchange (KASE) in September 2011.
The first 10 positions of the rating are given below. In August these shares
constituted for 95.8% of turnover of corresponding sector of exchange
market. Over the specified period, deals in shares of 26 denominations
have been made on KASE open secondary market.
Liquidity indicator calculation base (Kl):
Posi Posi Code of Liquidity
tion in tion in shares indi- volume number number of
Sep 2011 Aug cator of deals, number of KASE successful
2011 (Kl) m. KZT of deals members days
-------- ------- --------- --------- ----------- --------- -------- -----------
1 1 RDGZp 2.48 352.0 161 19 21
2 3 GB_KZMS 2.23 90.2 116 20 21
3 9 KZTK 1.97 6,178.2 48 16 18
4 7 RDGZ 1.75 117.0 66 18 18
5 2 HSBK 1.70 45.3 63 18 17
6 4 KKGB 1.56 61.3 61 16 16
7 12 SATC 1.36 6,962.8 19 11 8
8 8 GB_ENRC 1.19 20.5 29 14 13
9 5 BTAS 1.00 2.4 23 12 11
10 6 CCBN 0.97 93.1 28 10 12
Newcomer of liquidity ten in September was SATC (in August - 12 position),
kicking KZTKp from the rating.
The following table shows the top 10 rankings, based on the stock trades at
KASE for the first nine months of 2011. The share of this "ten" in the total
turnover of shares KASE totaled 28.3%. During the same period in the open
KASE secondary market transactions were concluded with 45 items.
Liquidity indicator calculation base (Kl):
Posi Code of Liquidity
tion shares indi- volume number number of
cator of deals, number of KASE successful
(Kl) m. KZT of deals members days
---- --------- --------- ----------- --------- -------- -----------
1 RDGZp 2.50 17,185.9 2,850 32 182
2 BTAS 1.66 9,317.4 871 31 158
3 HSBK 1.65 259.1 715 36 144
4 KZTK 1.64 1,195.1 870 32 161
5 CCBN 1.60 2,976.8 604 36 133
6 KKGB 1.46 981.4 733 28 151
7 GB_KZMS 1.43 766.0 603 30 140
8 RDGZ 1.38 1,049.0 497 30 132
9 GB_ENRC 1.27 261.7 365 29 122
10 KZTKp 0.87 352.8 195 20 88
Notes to the table
The rating is based on liquidity indicator (Kl), which is calculated for each
share on a specified period. Positions are rated by sorting shares in
descending order of Kl (the higher Kl, the higher liquidity and position in the
rating). The first position in the rating corresponds to the highest Kl value.
Description of liquidity indicator calculation methods is available in the
document, published at:
http://www.kase.kz/mix/rsp.pdf in Russian and at
http://www.kase.kz/eng/mix/rsp.pdf in English.
IRBIS agency draws attention to the fact that while calculating the
liquidity indicator, only data on deals made in KASE secondary market
sector (including special trading floor of the regional financial center of
Almaty) by one of open trade methods are taken into account.
"p" letter in the end of the symbol means preferred shares, other letters -
common shares.
Full list of symbols of issuers and securities traded on KASE is available at
The data aforementioned is not an offer or recommendation to sell or buy
shares on KASE. Using the data while making investment decisions does
not rest the responsibility for possible losses resultant from such decision on
the IRBIS agency.