/KASE, May 20, 11/ - National Company KazMunayGaz (Astana), whose bonds are
officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with
the following press-release of May 19, 2011:
National Company KazMunayGaz says that exploration well U-1 at the Uriktau
oilfield ejected the first fountain-like flow of oil along with gas during
testing of the carbonate thickness KT-2.
- This discovery became possible thanks to state-of-the-art seismic exploration
and drilling techniques, - says Kairgeldy Kabyldin, Chairman of Management Board
of NC KMG. Prospective units, we discovered in KT-2, are not to be discussed
with any foreign enterprise; geological reconnaissance jobs will only be
conducted by National Company KazMunayGaz, - added K. Kabyldin.
Oil and gas field Uriktau is situated in Aktobe region of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, 215 km south of the town of Aktobe.
Under subsurface resources use contract No. 2882 dated December 5, 2008,
National Company KazMunayGaz is conducting exploration and production of
hydrocarbons at Uriktau, including 3D-seismic reconnaissance and drilling of
exploration wells.
The full version of this press-release is available on KASE website, at