In Kazakhstan there is no need to create a state-owned bank - Mr. Marchenko

11.01.11 18:53
/IRBIS, January 11, 2011/ - In Kazakhstan there is no need for a state bank, on Wednesday at a press conference in Almaty, said Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan Grigory Marchenko. "In Kazakhstan there is no need for a state bank. And as soon as possible, NWF" SK "will have to withdraw from the commercial banks, is the official position of the National Bank. There is a Development Bank of Kazakhstan" and "House Construction Savings Bank of Kazakhstan," which are public and everyone involved in its direction, it does not compete with commercial banks. I think a huge advantage of Kazakhstan's banking system, the fact that commercial banks have for years been sustained, "- he said. "We had five state banks, 4 of which went to bankruptcy, one of them "Agrocombank" bankrupt 3 times under different names. Given this experience, I am against of state-owned commercial banks," - added the head of the National Bank. [2011-01-11]