/KASE, December 1, 10, November 26, 10 news repetition/ - Subsidiary
organization of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan Halyk Finance (Almaty) and VISOR
Capital (Almaty), the underwriters for bonds KZ2C0Y07D899 (KMGZb4) of National
Company KazMunayGaz (Astana), provided Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) today
with the following communication:
Herewith, Halyk Finance and VISOR Capital announce the commencement of accepting
orders from brokers and investors participating in the proposed IPO of the 4th
issue of bonds of National Company KazMunayGaz (the Issuer) on the unorganized
market in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Issuer's Name National Company KazMunayGaz
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Short description of bonds Unsecured discounted bonds
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Identification number KZ2C0Y07D899
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Total number of authorized 100,000,000 units
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Bond's face value KZT1,000
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Dirty offering price corresponding KZT626.0355 per bond
with yield to maturity rate and
expected settlement date
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Yield to maturity rate 7 % APR
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Bonds interest rate not set due to bonds being discounted
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First circulation date Date of inclusion of Issuer's bonds into
official list of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange,
November 9, 2010
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Circulation term 7 years from first circulation date
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Ratings BBB (Fitch)
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Currency of issue and service tenge
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Details Issue prospectus in Russian is available on
website of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange, at
Trades method By subscription based on purchase-sale
agreement with Issuer
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Date and time of start of November 26, 2010, 11:30 Almaty time
acceptance of orders
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Expected date and time of end December 2, 2010, 15:00 Almaty time
for acceptance of orders:
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Order submission method: closed
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Expected settlement date: December 7, 2010
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Settlement terms: at the date of settlement the buyer must
provide money at brokerage account for
payment for purchased bonds as well as
provide all necessary settlement
Orders drawn up according to the form published at KASE official site, at
http://www.kase.kz/files/mix/kmgze_order_form_101122.doc ) are to be sent in
paper form to the following addresses:
Halyk Finance, 050013, Almaty, Al-Farabi blvd., 19/1, Business Centre Nurly
Tau, block 3B, 6th floor, as well as to e-mail farhado@halykbank.kz
Visor Capital, 050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi blvd., 77/7, Esentai Tower, 12th floor,
as well as to e-mail imk@visocap.com
With inquiries regarding the above, please contact the following representatives
of Halyk Finance and Visor Capital:
Halyk Finance: F. Okhonov, tel. 8 (727) 330-01-52,
fax 8 (727) 259-05-93, e-mail: farhado@halykbank.kz
Visor Capital: I. Kaliaskarova, tel. 8 (727) 356-07-77,
fax 8 (727) 356-07-78, e-mail: imk@visocap.com