/IRBIS, March 29, 2010/ - National Bank of Kazakhstan on its official Web site
http://www.nationalbank.kz published monetary review as of March 1, 2010:
Changes (in %)
Feb. 2010 In a month From the
Indicator (million KZT) begging of
--------------------------------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Net external assets 6,827,472 +3.3 +8.4
--------------------------------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Requirements for non-residents, SLE 7,037,704 +1.0 +5.2
Liabilities to nonresidents
ESKI 3,929,839 -1.7 -2.7
Assets of the National Fund 3,706,168 +1.6 +2.4
Other net foreign assets, PWV 13,439 1.2 times -59.2
--------------------------------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Net domestic assets 822,654 -7.1 -24.4
--------------------------------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Net claims on Central
Government 85,157 -2.3 times -9.6
Requirements 319,045 +8.7 +8.5
Liabilities 233,888 -29.4 +17.1
Requirements for regional and local
authorities 1,791 +17.1 +22.7
4,702,605 +3.4 +4.8
Assets of National Fund
of them: the requirements for internal
economy 750,245 0 0
Requirements for non-banks
financial institutions 457,450 -1.4 -3.9
Requirements for public
non-financial institutions 321,506 -1.9 -1.8
Requirements for non-state
non-financial institutions 6,241,821 +0.2 +0.6
1031 -3.4 -18.7
Requirements for CLE HBS
Requirements for households 2,283,048 -1.3 -2.4
Other net assets -4,616,789 +0.1 0
--------------------------------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Liabilities 7,495,248.0 +1.5 +25.5
--------------------------------------- ----------- ---------- -----------
Cash in circulation 874,610.0 -4.3 +22.5
Transfers and other deposits 6,620,638.0 +2.3 +26.0
* operations of REPO