January 15, KASE share trade volume reached KZT0.138 bn. (USD0.931 m.)
15.01.10 19:09
/IRBIS, January 15, 2010/ - Today in the secondary market sector of the
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) was signed 76 deals with shares totaling
KTZ137.9 million or the equivalent of $931.4 thousand relative to previous
trading day volume of transactions with shares increased by KTZ215.3 million
(2.6 times) or $1,454.1 thousand.
Today on KASE direct (contractual) transactions in shares weren't made.
The table shows results of trades in shares on deals concluded in the KASE
trading system by open trades.
Share price. tenge
trend. % Deal
Trade mini- maxi- last weighted ------------- volume.
code mum mum deal average wav last th. USD Deals
-------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -----
BTAS 1,400.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,528.80 +12.24 +10.34 3.3 3
CCBN 790.00 810.00 790.00 790.36 +1.26 -2.02 704.9 19
CSBN 3,489.15 3,489.15 3,489.15 3,489.15 -5.00 -5.00 13.8 1
GB_ENRC 2,380.01 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,398.70 0 -0.003 14.7 6
GB_KZMS 3,410.01 3,530.00 3,530.00 3,500.14 +1.12 +2.92 69.2 7
HSBK 365.00 375.00 375.00 369.00 +1.83 +1.35 58.7 22
KKGB 696.00 707.00 707.00 706.33 +0.82 +0.28 15.3 6
KKGBp 300.01 308.00 308.00 307.48 +3.97 +1.82 1.1 2
KZTK 19,501.00 19,700.00 19,700.00 19,623.27 +1.85 +1.03 22.3 6
KZTKp 8,750.00 8,800.00 8,800.00 8,756.80 +3.02 +3.53 8.7 2
RDGZ 23,200.00 23,221.00 23,221.00 23,200.34 -3.52 -3.45 19.4 2
-------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ------ ------- -----
Total 11
-------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
tools 931.4
Trends have been calculated as change of share price of any denomination (wav
- weighted average. last - last deal) on the current day deals relative to the
same indicator of previous trade day. If no "open" deals with shares of given
denomination were made. trends on the share shall not be calculated.
Volumes of deals and trades are not indicated in tenge due to hardware
restriction in abovementioned table. Recalculation into USD was made based on
weighted average price pf all deals in USD concluded on the report day in the
morning (main) trade session on KASE (KZT148.04 per dollar).
Full information on the results of trading in securities on KASE (including
RFCA). including the characteristics of demand and supply of securities of each
item and the parameters of a direct (contractual) transactions. distributed
through specialized products Information Agency financial markets IRBIS.