/IRBIS, December 30, 09/ - National Bank of Kazakhstan on its official website
http://www.nationalbank.kz published monetary review as of December 1, 2009:
Changes (in %)
Nov. 2009 In a month From the
Indicator (million KTZ ) beginning
of year
--------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Net external assets 6,238,693 +7.7 +55.5
--------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Requirements for non-residents, SLE 6,861,847 +3.0 +39.3
Liabilities to nonresidents
ESKI 4,245,962 -5.0 +0.2
Assets of the National Fund 3,604,300 +0.8 +6
Other net foreign assets, PWV 18,508 -30.6 0.2 times
--------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Internal assets 855,841 -43.5 -53.6
--------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Net requirements on Central
Government -104,510 25.6,раза 0.7 times
Requirements 287,172 +13.0 -7.7
Liabilities 391,682 +51.7 2.3 times
Requirements for regional and local
authorities 1,265 +7.6 2.9 times
Capitals of National Fund 4,389,740 +5.1 +28.5
of them: the requirements for internal
economy 600,038 1,раз -
Requirements for non-banks
financial institutions 452,067 -2.4 +1.9
Requirements for public
nonfinancial institutions 309,879 1,раз +8.7
Requirements for non-state
nonfinancial institutions 6,251,393 -1.2 +12.9
Requirements for CLE HBS 1,307 -5.4 -6.2
Requirements for households 2,366,340 -1.4 -1.1
Other net assets -4,632,198 +5.1 +45.7
--------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Liabilities 7,094,533 -3.0 +18.8
--------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Cash in circulation trans 836,670 +2.0 +17.2
Transfers and other deposits 6,257,863 -3.6 +19.1
* operations of REPO