Common shares KZ1C44720015 (GLOT) of GLOTUR (Kazakhstan) transferred from second to third category in KASE official list beginning June 2

01.06.09 16:50
/KASE, June 1, 09/ - The Listing commission of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) transferred beginning June 2, 2009 common shares KZ1C44720015 (GLOT) of GLOTUR (Almaty) from the second to the third category in the KASE official list. The opinion prepared by KASE dated May 26, 2009 says, that according to results of check of GLOTUR and its shares regarding compliance with the listing requirements set by resolution No. 77 of the Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations "On Requirements to Issuers and Securities thereof, Admissible (Admitted) to Circulation on Stock Exchange, and to Individual Categories of Stock Exchange List" dated May 26, 2008 for the second category, an incompliance of GLOTUR and its shares to listing requirement regarding availability of market maker was disclosed. Beginning April 15, 2009 there was no market maker on the shares, which is a violation of a listing requirement set by sub-item 9) of item 5 of the resolution. On the basis of the mentioned above and in accordance with sub-item 2) of item 2 of article 19 of the KASE internal document "Listing rules" the shares were transferred from the second category to the third category of the KASE official list, listing in which does not require market maker to be available. The shares were listed on the KASE official list in category "A" beginning April 19, 2005 and on September 1, 2008 were transferred to the second category of the KASE official list. Trade therein was opened beginning May 10, 2005. [2009-06-01]