Weighted average nominal income coefficient on pension assets of APF of Kazakhstan (K2) as of June 1, 2008: 12m- 9.88 %; 36m - 34.09 %; 60m - 48.22 %
13.06.08 12:10
/IRBIS, Vitaliy Tomskiy, June 13, 2008/ - The Agency of the Republic of
Kazakhstan for Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and
Financial Organizations (AFS, or Agency) has calculated the nominal income
coefficient (K2) on pension assets (PA) of accumulative pension funds (APF)
of Kazakhstan as of June 1, 2008 for three periods of funds' activities - for
the last 12, 36 and 60 months (12m, 36m and 60m respectively).
Below is the table with the coefficient indicators provided by AFS to
Information agency of financial markets IRBIS (Almaty), and also results of
their comparison with comparable data as of May 1, 2008.
К2 for the period, %:
12m 36m 60m
Name --------------- --------------- ---------------
PAMC or APF indicator trend indicator trend indicator trend
------------------------------- --------- ----- --------- ----- --------- -----
Management" JSC
Grantum APF JSC 5.25 +0.78 21.47 +1.09 36.32 +0.85
------------------------------- --------- ----- --------- ----- --------- -----
PAIMO Bailyk asset
management JSC
OAPF SENIM JSC 4.13 +1.23 20.41 -0.18 34.33 +0.55
APF UlarUmit JSC 12.87 +1.91 32.94 +2.39 49.44 +2.58
------------------------------- --------- ----- --------- ----- --------- -----
APF Korgau JSC 7.91 -0.12 27.01 +0.80 39.39 +0.58
------------------------------- --------- ----- --------- ----- --------- -----
APF Atameken JSC 5.78 +0.04 29.30 +0.01 49.20 +0.33
------------------------------- --------- ----- --------- ----- --------- -----
APF, which independently
carries out investment
management of assets
APF of Halyk Bank 11.86 +1.15 42.22 +1.50 58.59 +1.23
of Kazakhstan JSC
APF BTA Kazakhstan JSC 12.83 +0.56 73.69 +2.19 98.17 +3.08
APF SAPF JSC 6.12 +1.43 21.96 +1.19 32.02 +0.15
APF Capital JSC 10.10 -0.50 37.33 +1.12 55.25 +0.82
APF Kazakhmys JSC 10.48 +2.31 32.14 +1.89 48.88 +2.48
OAPF named after Kunaev D.A.JSC 5.73 -1.29 28.91 -0.94 43.31 -0.76
------------------------------- --------- ----- --------- ----- --------- -----
APF OilGas-Dem JSC 10.32 +1.54 24.17 +1.50 40.89 +1.97
------------------------------- --------- ----- --------- ----- --------- -----
APF Otan JSC 10.89 -0.41 36.80 +0.69 57.35 +1.11
------------------------------- --------- ----- --------- ----- --------- -----
Average weighted, 9.88 +1.11 34.09 +1.41 48.22 +1.28
by all system
------------------------------- --------- ----- --------- ----- --------- -----
Corrected coefficient 44.37 +1.04
------------------------------- --------- ----- --------- ----- --------- -----
For comparison:
Accumulated inflation 19.50 +0.40 40.15 +0.46 60.16 +0.53
rate, %
Nominal income coefficient (К2), according to the AFS's methods, reflects
the profitability of APF assets for the mentioned period calculated by
accruing totals.
According to resolution No. 223 of Board of AFS dated February 23, 07
No. 223 the corrected average weighted coefficient of yield of pension assets
is calculated similarly to simple average weighted coefficient K2, but at that,
the data on the funds, yield of which exceeds 130 % from the value of
average nominal yield coefficient for the corresponding period are included in
calculations, calculated on the current cost of the "net" pension assets, which
were in investment management for 60 and more months. AFS claims that
the corrected average weighted coefficient is calculated only on the five year
basis and this it that should be considered by the funds and PAIMO when
determining execution of the prudential norm "yield of pension assets".
It also should be noted that according to the same resolution of the Board of
AFS the deviation of coefficient K2 on each separate fund, which pension
assets are in investment management of particular PAIMO, should not be
less than 30 % of the value of corrected coefficient of average nominal
income for the corresponding period.