04.05.08 15:58
/KASE, May 4, 08/ - On April 29, 2008 Special Inter-district Economic Court (SMES) of Almaty for purposes of securing a claim of BCC Invest JSC - Subsidiary Bank CenterCredit JSC to Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) made a decree on suspension of concordance with the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations (AFS) on amendments to KASE internal documents "Regulations on Membership" and "Rules on Repo Transactions Execution", made by the Exchange Council decision of April 24, 2008, and on suspension of effect of the indicated amendments. The indicated decree of Almaty SMES is subject to execution from the day it is made. Let us remember that by the KASE Council decision of April 24, 2008 changes and additions No. 10 to "Regulations on Membership" and changes No. 7 to "Rules on Repo Transactions Execution" were approved, and made effective April 28, 2008. In accordance with the indicated amendments to the Regulations on Membership: - KASE member is liable and responsible in respect of the deal, concluded at the Exchange trades, regardless upon whose request, at whose expense and in the interests of who this deal was concluded; - at trading on somebody's behalf/at somebody's expense and/or in the interests of the third person, KASE member may act only on the basis of the corresponding agreement of the commission, concluded by this KASE member and this person; - at participation of KASE member in KASE trading, KASE and other members thereof in any circumstances consider the deals conclusion orders, submitted by this KASE member by order and/or at the expense and/or in the interests of the third person, and the deals, concluded by this KASE member by order and/or at the expense and/or in the interests of the third person, as submitted (concluded) on the basis of the corresponding agreement of the commission, concluded by this KASE member with the this person; - KASE member is automatically disqualified from participation in the trades in all financial instruments at default of the obligation on concluded on KASE and not cancelled (not considered as cancelled) deal upon expiry of ten working days from the day, on which these obligations must have been executed; new admission of such KASE member to trades in financial instruments is made on the basis of the Exchange Council decision. By the aforementioned changes to the Rules on Repo Transactions Execution set that in case of repo "nego" close deal default: - within the second working day, following the repo closing date, the affected repo transaction participant notifies KASE on his intent to cancel this closing deal or maintain the deal until final execution of the obligations on this closing deal by the guilty repo transaction participant; - in case within the second working day, following the closing date, KASE receives no indicated notification, it is considered that the affected repo transaction participant expresses his intent to cancel this closing deal; - in case the affected repo transaction participant expressed his intent to cancel this closing deal, it is considered to be cancelled, and the guilty repo transaction party is imposed an obligation to the other participant thereof a forfeit in the amount of 30 % of the sum of this closing deal (50 %, in case the securities which are the subject of repo transaction, were subjected to delisting during its term), and to pay KASE a full sum of the commission fee, accrued in regard of the repo transaction (including for the second party of the deal), and the affected repo transaction party receives the right to demand, in the order, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal KASE documents, collection of losses in the full amount in excess of the indicated forfeit from the guilty repo transaction participant; - in case the affected repo transaction participant expressed the intent to reserve this closing deal, the obligations thereon of the guilty repo transaction participant remain and he is imposed an obligation to pay to the other repo transaction participant a forfeit in the amount of 0.1 % of the sum of this closing deal for each day of default. The indicated amendments were sent to AFS for concordance. You can find at the KASE website: - a copy of Almaty SMES decree of April 29, 2008 at: - the renewed text of the Regulations on Membership at: - the renewed text of the Rules on Repo Transactions Execution at: [2008-05-04]