Bank CenterCredit (Kazakhstan) JSC informed of the results of activity in the second quarter of year 2007
14.08.07 20:25
/KASE, August 14, 07/ - Bank CenterCredit JSC (Almaty), shares and
bonds of which are traded in the official list of Kazakhstan stock exchange
(KASE) under "A" category, presented KASE the press release, saying:
Quotation start
According to the non-consolidated financial statements, assets of Bank
CenterCredit JSC as of July 1 2007 totaled KZT808.626 bn., being increased
in comparison with the beginning of 2007 by KZT237.671 bn. or by 41.6%.
Net income of the bank for the first half-year of 2007 made KZT5.093 bn.
That exceeds the income for the analogical period of 2006 by KZT1.877 bn.
or by 58.4% (KZT3.216 bn.)
The equity capital of Bank CenterCredit JSC by the end of the second
quarter of year 2007 totaled KZT50.836 bn., being increased in comparison
to the beginning of the year by KZT11.067 bn. or 27.8%.
Credit portfolio of the bank has increased by KZT188.511 bn. (by 45.6%)
over six months and totaled KZT601.476 bn.
A significant growth of deposits' base of the bank has been observed since
the beginning of the year; the volume of attracted clients' accounts for the
first half-year increased by KZT110.608 bn. (by 51%) and totaled
KZT326.890 bn.; from them, KZT229.026 bn. is short term deposits,
KZT11.559 bn. is to be called for.
As of April 1, 2007, Bank CenterCredit JSC is the sixth commercial bank in
Kazakhstan with a wide branch network that has 20 structural departments
and 144 centers of financial and retail services over the whole territory of the
Republic. The bank has international ratings from the following agencies:
Moody's: "Ва1" rating, and "ВВ-", Stable forecast from Fitch Ratings.
Additional information if available from
PR-manager of Bank CenterCredit,
Mambetova Zhanna at tel: 259-86-03
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