Since March 5 trades in KZ2CKY10B315 (aKZIKb8) bonds of Kazakhstan Mortgage Company JSC are opened on RFCA special trading floor

02.03.07 15:30
/KASE, March 2, 07/ - By the decision of Kazakhstan stock exchange's Board (KASE) since March 5 of 2007 trades with KZ2CKY10B315 bonds (aKZIKb8; KZT1, KZT5.0 bn; October 1, 04 - October 1, 14, semi annual coupon, indexed on inflation rate, 8.60% APR for the reporting period, 30/360) bonds of Kazakhstan Mortgage Company JSC (Almaty) are opened on the special trading floor of RFCA: Quotation accuracy of the specified bonds in KASE's trade system is set till four decimal figure of bond's net price, expressed as percentage from the face value. The Broker Company Astana-Finance JSC (Almaty) executes market maker's functions on special trading floor of RFCA with the minimal volume of obligatory quotation at 2,200,000 bonds of each issue. Bonds were included into the official list of RFCA special trading floor (category C) since February 23, 2007. Besides, the mentioned bonds since February 26, 2007 are traded on KASE in "A" category official list, in which they were included under KZIKb8 symbol since November 26, 2004. Detailed information about these securities is available on KASE's web site at [2007-03-02]