Activity results of Company on foreign insurance Kazakhinstrakh JSC for the first half-year of 2006 - press release

12.09.06 21:43
/KASE, September 12, 06/ - Halyk savings bank of Kazakhstan JSC (Almaty), whose securities are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) official "A" listing category, today has spread a press release about Company on foreign insurance Kazakhinstrakh JSC of the following content. Quotation start As of July 1 of the current year more than 200 thousand companies and private entrepreneurs, including 10 thousand juridical people, are clients of Kazakhinstrakh. During 6 months of the current year 147,630 insurance contracts were concluded, which is by 16% more than in 6 months of 2005. As of July 1, 2006 the amount of assets of Kazakhinstrakh JSC totaled KZT5.5 bn., the equity capital reached KZT2.1 bn., with an increase of given indicators in comparison with the similar period of the last year by 27.4% and by 33% respectively. Volume of gross-premiums collected by Kazakhinstrakh JSC for 6 months of 2006 totaled KZT5.4 bn. Table 1. Insurance premiums -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insurance Insurance Participants of premiums Market premiums Change insurance as of July 1, share, as of July 1, of gross- market 2006, % 2005 prem., KZT m. KZT m. 06 / 05, % ------------------------ ------------- ------ ------------- ---------- General insurance, total 53,195.4 97.3 30,627.6 73.7 Including Kazakhinstrakh 5,441.8 9.4 4,843.2 12.4 Life insurance, total 1,577.1 2.7 563.3 180.0 Market 57,782.0 100 31,190.9 75.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Growth of insurance premiums of Kazakhinstrakh JSC relative to the similar period of the last year is guaranteed due to growth of volumes by 58.6% on obligatory classes of insurance and by 11.5% on property classes of insurance. Table 2. Insurance premiums of Kazakhinstrakh JSC by types ------------------------------------------------------------------------- На 01.07.06г. На 01.07.05г. ------------------------ ------------------------ Change Insuran. Share of Insuran. Share of of gross- prem., Sha gross- prem, Sha- gross- prem., Type of KZT re, prem., KZT re, prem., 06 / 05, insurance m. %* %** m. %* %** % ---------- -------- ---- -------- -------- ---- -------- --------- Obligatory 540.2 9.9 1.1 340.6 7.0 0.1 58.6 Voluntary private 345.1 6.3 2.2 414.7 8.6 8.2 -16.8 Voluntary property 4,556.5 83.7 78.8 4,087.9 84.4 78.8 11.5 ---------- -------- ---- -------- -------- ---- -------- --------- TOTAL 5,441.8 100 66.2 4,843.2 100 67.2 12.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * share in portfolio; ** share of gross-premiums, transmitted to reinsurance Quotation end [2006-09-12]