Head of gosinvestfond resigns

05.05.06 23:43
/INTERFAX-KAZAKHSTAN, Astana, May 5, 06/ - Zeynulla Kakimzhanov, the chairman of the Board of the state Investment fund of Kazakhstan JSC, resigns, an informed source in the government informed Interfax-Kazakhstan. Meanwhile the talker found it difficult to inform Kakimzhanov's new job place and who will be assigned the head of gosinvestfond. 46-year old Kakimzhanov Z. was assigned the chairman of the Board of the state Investment fund of Kazakhstan JSC in June of 2003. In different periods he worked, as the finance minister, minister of state income, was the president's assistant. Gosinvestfond was established in the middle of 2003 for realization of the strategy of industrial and innovational development of Kazakhstan, estimated till 2015. The fund's goals are: investment maintaining in authorized capitals of acting and new enterprises, which produce competitive production with deep processing and using high technologies, motivating the development of corporate securities market by means of corresponding investments in contemporary instruments of exchange market, maintaining of foreign investments for providing production cooperation between domestic and foreign enterprises. As it was informed earlier, this year in the middle of April a state Fund of stable development Kazna JSC, headed by Kayrat Kelimbetov, the ex- minister of economy and budgetary planning, was established in the republic for coordination the actions of state institutions of development. A number of state institutions of development, established in 2001, are operating in Kazakhstan, in particular, Development bank of Kazakhstan JSC, investment and innovation funds, the center of marketing and analytical research, the corporation on insurance of export credits. [2006-05-05]