KASE included bonds of two new issues in representative list for calculation of KASE_B* indexes

03.04.06 22:37
/KASE, April 3, 06/ - By the decision of Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) Board since April 3 of 2006 following bonds have been included in representative list for calculation of KASE_BC, KASE_BP and KASE_BY indexes: - XS0248160102 issue international bonds of Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC (Astana) (BRKZe4, USD150 m., March 23, 06 - March 23, 26, semi-annual coupon, 6.000% APR); - KZPC1Y07B929 issue bonds of Food contract corporation JSC (Astana) (PRKRb2, KZT1,000, KZT15.0 bn.; March 14, 06 - March 14, 13, annual coupon, 8.0% APR). Thus, out of 143 corporate bonds included at present in KASE's official "A" listing category 127 securities are in the representative list for the mentioned indexes calculation. [2006-04-03]