Kazakhstan thinks about USD200 million investments in hydroelectric power station of Kyrgyzstan

10.06.05 11:08
/REUTERS, Astana, Raushan Nurshayeva, June 10, 05/ - State electric net monopoly of Kazakhstan KEGOC does not exclude investment of USD200 m. in completion of construction of Kambartinsk hydroelectric power station-2 in neighboring Kirgiziya, informed on Friday head of the company Kanat Bozumbayev. "Today we are fixing our interest to this project",- said Bozumbayev to correspondents, without details, but noted, that electric energy from hydroelectric power station would let Kazakhstan to regulate peak demand. In May vice president of Kirgiziya Daniar Usenov said to Reuters, that new government continues negotiations started by Askar Akayev with biggest producer of aluminium in RF RusAl about participation in USD2.5 billion project, which is included in construction of hydroelectric power station, whose energy will be in demand by new aluminium plant, which is also be constructed in Kirgiziya. Akayev, being a president said, that in completion of construction of Kambartinsk hydroelectric power station in Kirgiziya would also take part RAO EEC. "We consider that funds which are in republic and press internal market, may be invested in Kambartu-2 (Kambartinsk hydroelectric power station-2)", - said Bozumbayev. Financial authorities of Kazakhstan note threat of economy "overheating" as a result of big growth of funds from abroad from sale of oil and external loans, on the background of deficit of investment instruments. [2005-06-10]