Shareholders of Batys tranzit approve audited annual financial statements and decide not to pay dividends on ordinary shares for 2020

03.06.21 13:00
/KASE, June 3, 2021/ – Batys tranzit (Almaty), whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has informed KASE about decisions of the annual general meeting of its shareholders held on May 18, 2021. Shareholders, inter alia, made the following decisions: - to approve the audited annual financial statements of the company for 2020; - to accept the accrual of a reserve for the return of the invested capital of the company in the amount of 1,496,743,000 tenge out the net income from the main activities of the company for 2020, with the accrual date on December 31, 2020; - to leave the company's net income from non-core activities for 2020 in the amount of 217,238,000 tenge without distribution and send it to the retained earnings account, not to accrue or pay dividends on ordinary shares of the company for 2020. Decision on a total of seven issues of the agenda were made at the general meeting of shareholders. This information is available (in Kazakh and Russian) on – [2021-06-03]